Cray Mulder, Ph.D., LMSW (she/her)


Office Address: 
375C DeVos Center
School of Social Work
401 Fulton Street West
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Phone Number: 
(616) 331-6596

Email Address:

Office Hours:
Mondays 11am to 2pm

Teaching Areas:
SW 601
SW 640
SW 650-SW 655 (Field Education)
SW 691

Cray began teaching at GVSU a number of years ago and has more than 20 years of experience as a social worker, including direct practice, research, evaluation, and teaching. Her areas of expertise include qualitative methods, adolescent development within the context of family systems, three-generational households, religion and spirituality within social work, photo voice, human subjects protection in research, and the scholarship of teaching and learning in social work. She is currently a licensed social worker in the state of Michigan. 

Education: Dr. Mulder’s curriculum vitae
2009: PhD - Major: Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Research Interests: Sexuality education within the contexts of family systems, peer groups and community organizations; mentoring services for adolescent parents and at-risk youth, Social Work education, Social Work practice evaluation and research methods.  Dissertation Title: Adolescent Mothers’ Relationships With Their Mothers: Communication, Support and Shared Caregiving - University of Illinois at Champaign Urbana
1997: MSW - Master of Social Work - Grand Valley State University 
1995: BA - Communications and Business Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Minor:  Philosophy - Calvin College


Picture of Dr. Cray Mulder

Page last modified September 17, 2024