Joshua Bishop, LMSW, PhD (he,him)
Office Address:
347C DeVos Center
School of Social Work
401 Fulton Street West
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Phone Number:
(616) 331-6577
Email Address:
[email protected]
Office Hours (no summer office hours):
Tuesdays 9am to 12pm (online)
Thursdays 9am to 12pm
Also by appointment
(in person or virtual)
Teaching Areas:
Research methods, evaluation, and clinical courses.
SW 622
SW 650 - SW 655
SW 680
Joshua has worked in human services for more than 20 years; he began teaching at GVSU in 2019. His clinical experience is in trauma treatment, congregational social work, and youth work. He is trained in three evidence-based practices for trauma treatment: cognitive processing therapy (CPT) for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), accelerated resolution therapy (ART), and trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT). His quantitative research interests are generosity, volunteerism, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), trauma education, and trauma treatment.
Education: Dr. Bishop’s curriculum vitae.
2019: PhD - Cognate in Public Health - Michigan State University School of Social Work
2013: MSW - Concentration: Clinical Certificate: Evidence-Based Trauma Treatment - Michigan State University School of Social Work
2004: BS - Cornerstone University
![Image of Joshua Bishop](/cms4/asset/4C26ED2F-EDCC-C778-A32EC772CB89C2EC/josh_bishop_0712_002[1592510192].jpg)