University Libraries
Student Outcomes
Assessment of Student Outcomes
Outcome E University Libraries Programs and Services Contribute to Student Academic Success.
Student academic success will increase through interaction with
innovative, interdisciplinary learning experiences offered by the Libraries.
Objective 1
Students who participate in library instruction re-enroll/persist at a
higher rate than students who do not participate in library instruction.
Measure 1
2019 Status
For the 6th consecutive year, a positive correlation has been found
between students receiving library instruction and rates of re-enrollment/persistence.
2017 Status
For the 4th consecutive academic year, a positive correlation has been
found between students receiving Library instruction and rates of re-enrollment/persistence.
Objective 2
Students who meet with a peer Research Consultant in the Libraries'
Knowledge Market are more confident in their ability to complete course
assignments using library resources.
Measure 2
2019 Status
During the 2018-2019 academic year, research consultants completed 848
meetings with students in the Knowledge Market. At the end of each
consultation, students complete a survey to rate their comfort with the
consultant, the helpfulness of the session, and whether the consultation
made them feel more confident about completing their assignment.
Responses have been relatively consistent over time, and in 2018-2019,
97% of students felt very or somewhat comfortable working with the
consultant, 98% believed the consultation was very or somewhat helpful,
and 97% of students felt more confident about completing their
assignment. This information is used to assess the program as a whole
and provide constructive evaluations to individual consultants.
2017 Status
During the 2016-2017 academic year, research consultants completed 896
meetings with students in the Knowledge Market. At the end of each
consultation, students complete a survey to rate their comfort with the
consultant, the helpfulness of the session, and whether the consultation
made them feel more confident about completing their assignment.
Responses have been relatively consistent during the past six years, and
in 2016-2017, 98% of students felt very or somewhat comfortable working
with the consultant, 98% believed the consultation was very or somewhat
helpful, and 98% of students felt more confident about completing their
assignment. This information is used to assess the program as a whole
and provide constructive evaluations to individual consultants.
Outcome F University Libraries Services Support Student Success in the Online/Hybrid Environment.
Student success is supported by offering and improving flexible,
student-focused services tailored to the growing number of online/hybrid
course offerings.
Objective 3
Library instruction practices evolve to include support for students in
online/hybrid courses.
Measure 1
2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
While all liaisons had taken the training at last reporting, there has
been substantial turnover in the liaison team during Fall 2019. At this
time, 7 liaisons have taken the IDel training. The remaining 5 intend
to take the training in Winter 2020.
2017 Status
All Library faculty who provide instruction have taken and completed the
Foundations of Online/Hybrid Course Development.
Measure 2
2020 Status
During the 2019-2020 academic year, we reported 48 instances of Library
instruction occurring via Blackboard. As there is not a set target for
this measure, and this data demonstrates a continued commitment to
online instruction, we consider this measure to be achieved for the
purposes of this plan. Due to the continued emphasis on online
instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have modified our data
collection instrument to better distinguish between synchronous and
asynchronous online instruction.
2019 Status
In 2019, we reported 32 instances of Library instruction occurring via
Blackboard. As there is not a set target for this measure, and this
data demonstrates a continued commitment to online instruction, we
consider this measure to be achieved for the purposes of this plan.
However, we do recognize that this is a substantial decrease from the
last reported value (80 sessions in 2017), and much more aligned with
the result of the previous year (31 sessions in 2016). At this time, we
do not know why these numbers have varied so much, though possible
explanations include reporting error, a disproportionate number of
online classes in 2017, or the re-use of videos and online modules
developed by librarians in prior years.
2017 Status
In 2016, we reported 31 instances of Library instruction occurring via
BlackBoard. In 2017, we reported 80 instances of Library instruction
occurring via BlackBoard. This is an increase of 158% in Librarians
providing instruction through the course management software.
Objective 4
Students receive prompt service and responses to questions via
synchronous and asynchronous technological services.
Measure 2
2019 Status
The average chat response time for the 2018-2019 academic year was 16
2017 Status
Improved overall response time for questions sent to the Libraries' chat
service from a baseline of 53 seconds to an average of 32.75 seconds of
wait time per chat. In this same study, also improved chat rating (user
satisfaction with chat transaction) from an average of 3.39 stars to
3.57 stars, and chat response rate (fulfillment) improved from 95% to 99%.
Measure 3
2019 Status
The average email response time for the 2018-19 academic year was 34
minutes. This number includes responses to emails received at times
when the library was closed. 89.9% of questions were answered in 0-10
minutes; 6.3% of questions were answered in 10-60 minutes; 3% of
questions were answered in 1-12 hours. Less than 1% of emails were
answered in more than 12 hours.
2017 Status
In November (after the change of answering them through our LibAnswers
virtual software), our average response rate to Library email requests
was 1 hour, 20 minutes (and that includes Thanksgiving weekend). 88% of
emails in November were answered in 0-10 minutes and 7.5% of emails were
answered in 10-60 minutes.