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Instruction and Curriculum, M.Ed. - Early Childhood Education Emphasis

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome NAEYC 1 Promoting Child Development and Learning

Candidates apply knowledge of young children's characteristics and need, the multiple influences on development and learning to create healthy, respectful, supportive and challenging learning environments.
Objective 1 Candidate uses knowledge of young children’s characteristics and needs, from birth through age 8, to create supportive environments and meaningful learning experiences.

Measure 1

2017 Status
100% of candidates met the criteria for level 3 proficiency.

Objective 2 Candidate uses knowledge of the multiple influences on early development and learning to create supportive learning environments and teaching approaches.

Measure 1

2017 Status
All candidates achieved proficiency level for this objective.

Objective 3 Candidate uses developmental knowledge to create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments for young children

Measure 1

2017 Status
100% of candidates achieved proficiency for this objective.

Outcome NAEYC 2 Building Family and Community Relationships

Candidates use knowledge of diverse family and community characteristics to develop respectful, reciprocal relationships and engage families in young children's learning.
Objective 4 Candidates foster respectful, reciprocal relationships with families.

Measure 1

2017 Status

Objective 5 Candidate involves families in supporting young children's development and learning.

Measure 1

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
The mean for this objective was lower than than the baseline score. This could be due to a much smaller N, but is a concern.

Objective 6 Candidate knows about diverse family and community characteristics, and takes steps to learn about the families and communities with whom s/he works.

Measure 1

2017 Status
Candidates are proficient in relation to this objective.

Outcome NAEYC 3 Observing, Documenting, and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families

Candidates apply knowledge of the goals, benefits and uses of assessment to select and use appropriate assessment tools and approaches to promote positive outcomes for each child.
Objective 7 Candidate uses assessment findings to develop goals, curriculum and teaching strategies for young children.

Measure 1

2017 Status
All candidates achieved a proficiency rating for this objective.

Objective 8 Candidate systematically uses observation, documentation and other appropriate assessment tools and approaches to promote positive outcomes for each child.

Measure 1

2017 Status
100% of candidates demonstrated proficiency in meeting this objective.

Objective 9 Candidate engages in assessment partnerships with families and other professionals.

Measure 1

2017 Status
100% of candidates were rated as proficient. We continue to monitor findings and revise the assessment accordingly.

Outcome NAEYC 4 Using Developmentally Effective Approaches

Candidates use positive relationships and interactions as the foundation for implementing a broad repertoire of developmentally and culturally effective strategies, tools, and approaches.
Objective 10 Candidate develops positive relationships with young children and guides learning through supportive interactions.

Measure 1

2017 Status
100% were rated at a level 3.

Objective 11 Candidate uses developmentally and culturally appropriate, research-based strategies, tools and approaches, including technology.

Measure 1

2017 Status
Candidates demonstrate proficiency.

Objective 12 Candidate reflects on own practice and makes adjustments to promote positive outcomes for each child.

Measure 1

2017 Status
Candidates continue to achieve this objective.

Outcome NAEYC 5 Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum

Candidates use knowledge of academic disciplines, developmental domains, and early learning standards, to design, implement, and evaluate developmentally meaningful and challenging curriculum for each child.
Objective 13 Candidate uses central concepts, inquiry tools, and structures of academic disciplines to develop meaningful and challenging curriculum.

Measure 1

2017 Status
The mean score for this objective was 3.0.

Objective 14 Candidate integrates knowledge of developmental domains, early learning standards, and content knowledge to develop and implement developmentally meaningful and challenging curriculum.

Measure 1

2017 Status
The mean score was 3.0 indicating that all candidates have achieved this objective.