Political Science, BA/BS
Student Outcomes
Assessment of Student Outcomes
Outcome PLS-A Knowledge of key structures, actors, issues (PLS)
Students will demonstrate knowledge of key structures, actors, and
issues in the political science discipline.
Outcome PLS-B American politics (PLS)
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the American politics subfield.
Outcome PLS-C Comparative Politics (PLS)
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the comparative politics
Outcome PLS-D International Relations (PLS)
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the international relations
Outcome PLS-E Political Theory (PLS)
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the political theory subfield.
Outcome PLS-F Writing (PLS)
Students will demonstrate effective college- and professional-level
writing skills.
Outcome PLS-G Critically analyze political data (PLS)
Students will demonstrate proficiency in the ability to analyze
critically political data in the field of political science.