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Cardiovascular Sonography, BS

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome CVS-A Cognitive Competency

To be competent with the cognitive skills necessary in the field of cardiovascular sonography.
Objective 1 Students will demonstrate entry-level cognitive competency and appropriate affective skills in cardiovascular sonography.

Measure 1

2021 Status
Not Yet Achieved
16/17 (94%) passed Adult Echo exam 9/10 (90%) passed Vascular Exam 4/5 (80%) passed Pediatric Echo exam

2017 Status
100% national board pass rate across all three specialties: adult echocardiography, vascular technology and pediatric echo.

Outcome CVS-B Written Communication

Write effectively for multiple purposes and audiences.
Objective 1 Students will apply and demonstrate sonographic principles through research, writing,and application into a final project.

Measure 1

2021 Status
In 2021, 16 students completed this RIU 420 project. The range of scores were from 97-100% with an average of 98.5%.

2019 Status
In 2019, there were 17 students who completed this RIU 420 project. The range of scores were from 90-100% with an average score of 97%.

2018 Status
1st year data assessment exceeds target

Outcome CVS-C

Acquire the skills necessary to enter the professional field of cardiovascular sonography.
Objective 1 Demonstrate entry level affective skills necessary for the field of cardiovascular sonography.

Measure 1

2017 Status
87.5% of students achieving "meets expectations" or above on clinical advising program sonographer evaluation during their final clinical rotation for at least 10 of the 12 measures.

Outcome CVS-D Integration (undergraduate)

Synthesize and apply knowledge, experiences, and multiple perspectives to new, complex situations.

Objective 1 Students will create a portfolio demonstrating synthesis of their knowledge, multiple experiences, and perspectives.

Measure 2

2021 Status
In 2021, 15/16 students (93%) received a grade of B+ or higher on their portfolio project.

2019 Status
In 2019 15/16 students (93%) received a grade of B+ or higher on their portfolio project. The average score was (140/14) 96.5%. The 2019 data matches the 2018 data that one student is falling short of achieving a B+ on the portfolio project.

2018 Status
2018 data has been collected. 93% of students received a B+ or higher on their portfolio project.

Outcome CVS-E

Students will successfully complete clinical education courses.
Objective 1 Students demonstrate integration of knowledge into competency-based clinical experience

Measure 1

2019 Status
100% of the 2018-2019 CVS cohort achieved mandatory competencies in adult echocardiography.

Outcome CVS-F Collaboration (undergraduate)

Work together and share the workload equitably to progress toward shared objectives learned through structured activities that occur over a significant period of time.

Objective 1 Students work together to create effective plans resulting in project completion.

Measure 1

2021 Status
93% of students in RIE 495 received meets expectations or above on peer assessment of poster project.

2019 Status
100% of students in RIE 495 received a peer evaluation rating of 'meets expectations' or above on the poster project.