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Studio Art, BA/BS/BFA - Graphic Design Emphasis

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome GD:A Written and Oral Communication

Graduates of Studio Art with an emphasis in Graphic Design will be able to communicate effectively about their design projects, and projects of others, in text and oral form.
Objective 1 Students in ART 210 Graphic Design I will be able to present their design strategy in written and oral form.

Measure 1

2018 Status
Students were given the task to analyze and write a one-page analysis of one of the compositions produced during the "Hierarchy" assignment. The concepts were based on lectures and projects introduced throughout the semester. The students met the expected target of 80% between levels 1 (excellent) and 2 (satisfactory).

2017 Status
Students were given the task to analyze and write a one-page analysis of one of the compositions produced during the "Hierarchy" assignment. The concepts were based on lectures and projects introduced throughout the semester. The students surpassed the expected target of 80% between levels 1 (excellent) and 2 (satisfactory) by 9%.

Outcome GD:B Oral Communication

Graduates of Studio Art with an emphasis in Graphic Design will be able to effectively communicate verbally with a public audience across a variety of contexts.
Objective 1 Students in ART 415 Senior Project: Graphic/Illustration will be able to present their design strategy in written and oral form.

Measure 1

2019 Status
Students were given the task to present their Senior Project during their Senior review to a panel of three faculty. The presentation should be based on the project developed during the semester. Students were asked to organize the presentation by providing context to their work before explaining the visual solutions. They were advised to practice before presenting for an effective speech. The students surpassed the expected target of 90% between the "Progressive" and the "Satisfies" levels. Out of 20 students, 16 attained the "Satisfies" level of the attached rubric. The remaining 4 attained the "Progressing Level". The latter was assigned mostly due to the last two traits in the rubric — preparation and presentation.

Outcome GD:C Integration

Graduates of Studio Art with an emphasis in Graphic Design will be able to synthesize and apply knowledge, experiences, and multiple perspectives to new, complex situations as they relate graphic design.
Objective 1 Students in ART 211 will be able to apply the Gestalt principles in the organization of text and image in space.

Outcome GD:D Critical Thinking

Graduates of Studio Art with an emphasis in Graphic Design will be able to use systematic reasoning to examine and evaluate information and ideas and then synthesize conclusions to propose new perspectives and solutions.
Objective 1 Students in ART 310 Graphic Design III will be able to analyze imagery for relevance from a semiotics standpoint.

Outcome GD:E Problem Solving

Graduates of Studio Art with an emphasis in Graphic Design will be able to design and evaluate strategies to answer open-ended questions.
Objective 1 Students in ART 410 Graphic Design V will be able to demonstrate through market and design research the evidence that will support a proposed brand experience.

Outcome GD:F Information Literacy

Graduates of Studio Art with an emphasis in Graphic Design will be able to identify, access, evaluate, and synthesize multiple forms of information.
Objective 1 Students in ART 210 Graphic Design I will be able to name typefaces based on anatomic and historical features.