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Film & Video Production, BA/BS

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome FVP: A Foundational Knowledge

Students in the Film and Video Production major will demonstrate knowledge, experience, and competencies in fundamental techniques of digital video production.

Objective 1 Students in the Film and Video Production major will be able to demonstrate proficiency in post-production editing techniques.

Measure 1

2017 Status
Of 35 students assessed, 6 were below baseline, 9 were at or above baseline, 10 were progressing, and 10 were proficient. The hands-on technical aspects of FVP 125 Media Production I scored at 83%, which is below our target and above our threshold.

Objective 2 Students in the Film and Video Production major will be able to demonstrate an understanding of fundamental concepts and terms related to video production.

Measure 1

2017 Status
The sample was 40 students in FVP 226 Media Production II. In Fall 2017, 23 (56%) were Proficient, 14 (36%) were Progressing, 3 (8%) were Baseline. None were below Baseline. Therefore 92.5 % students were either “Progressing or “Proficient."

Outcome FVP:B Media Production Terms and Concepts.

Film and Video Production graduates demonstrate the ability to express themselves, verbally and in writing, utilizing terms and concepts associated with media production.
Objective 1 Students in the Film and Video Production major will be able to demonstrate an understanding of fundamental concepts and terms related to video production. Second assessment.

Measure 1

2018 Status
Fall 2018 we tested 37 Media Production II students (FVP 226) and found that 19 were proficient (51%) ; 14 were progressing (38%) ; and 3 (8%) were at baseline. One was below baseline (3%). Therefore, 89% were either Proficient or Progressing. So we exceeded our target of 85% with an 89% score.

Outcome FVP:C Oral Communication

Graduates of Film and Video Production will effectively communicate verbally with a public audience across a variety of contexts related to film and video production.
Objective 1 Students in FVP 495 will be able to analyze themes and implications of film and media works as they relate to society and social responsibility.

Measure 1

2019 Status
The target has been met in all the areas assessed; content, organization, preparation and presentation skills.

Outcome FVP:D Critical Thinking

Graduates of Film and Video Production will use systematic reasoning to examine and evaluate information and ideas and then synthesize conclusions to propose new perspectives and solutions.
Objective 1 Students in FVP 261 will be able to pitch and write a series of treatments and scripts in the appropriate professional format.

Measure 1

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
The target has almost been met. The threshold has been significantly exceeded. Between 80-90% of students are performing at a satisfies or progressing level.

Outcome FVP:E Written Communication

Graduates of Film and Video Production will be able to write effectively for multiple purposes and audiences.
Objective 1 Students in FVP 123 will be able to analyze the formal, thematic, and stylistic elements of film/video production modes.

Outcome FVP:F Integration

Graduates of Film and Video Production will be able to synthesize and apply knowledge, experiences, and multiple perspectives to new, complex situations as they relate to film and video production.
Objective 1 Students in FVP 495 will be able to integrate knowledge and information about the impact of film and video production on the economy and society.

Outcome FVP:G Information Literacy

Graduates of Film and Video Production will be able to identify, access, evaluate, and synthesize multiple forms of information in relation film theories and genre.
Objective 1 Student in FVP 123 will be able to explain basic theoretical concepts including formalism, realism, auteur, and genre.

Outcome FVP:H Problem Solving

Graduates of Film and Video Production will be able to design and evaluate strategies to answer open-ended questions.
Objective 1 Students in FVP 282 will be able to produce sound recordings which are realistic, innovative, up to specifications and which act as archives for significant personal or cultural values.