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Biology, BA/BS - Teacher Certification Emphasis

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome M Content Knowledge: NSTA Standard 1 (BIO BS-Ed)

Effective teachers of science understand and articulate the knowledge and practices of contemporary science. They interrelate and interpret important concepts, ideas, and applications in their fields of licensure.
Objective 1 Preservice teachers will understand the major concepts, principles, theories, laws, and interrelationships of their fields of licensure and supporting fields as recommended by the National Science Teachers Association.

Measure 1

2018 Status
100% of Biology Education Majors passed the MTTC subject area test in Biology.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Biology Secondary Education students have 100% cumulative pass rates for the 2016/2017 annual report, and a three-year cumulative pass rate average of 92.9%. The program is therefore achieving its pass rate target, and fulfilling the threshold for continued national recognition. In addition, the program continues to work on increasing subarea pass rates that are below 80%.

Objective 2 Preservice teachers will understand the central concepts of the supporting disciplines and the supporting role of science-specific technology.

Measure 1

2018 Status
100% of Biology Education majors have a gpa above 2.7. The average gpa of Biology Education students is well above this threshold.

2017 Status
Students entering the College of Education (COE) for Biology Secondary Certification are meeting the 2.7 threshold. In addition, Biology Secondary Education majors are consistently averaging above 3.0 gpa, and most of these students are therefore academically prepared to enter the COE. A plan for identifying at risk students for early advising intervention is in progress.

Measure 2

2018 Status
The Biology Education major curriculum meets >90% of the NSTA content standards for pre-service preparation.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
The NSTA Content Standards Alignment is >90% with the Biology Secondary Education major coursework. Core content currently aligns 100% with the Biology, Chemistry and Physics requirements. The addition of suggested elective coursework fulfills the remaining requirements in the supporting Earth Science content areas.

Outcome N Content Pedagogy: NSTA Standard 2 (BIO BS-Ed)

Effective teachers of science understand how students learn and develop scientific knowledge. Preservice teachers use scientific inquiry to develop this knowledge for all students.
Objective 3 Preservice teachers will plan multiple lessons using a variety of inquiry approaches that demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of how all students learn science.

Measure 1

2018 Status
By the end of Student Teaching Semester, >90% of Biology Secondary Education Majors are meeting Proficiency in this objective as measured by CLAS Science Education Faculty.

2017 Status
By the end of the Student Teaching semester, >80% of Biology Secondary Education majors are meeting Proficiency in this objective, as assessed by College of Education Field Supervisors and Cooperating Teachers.

Objective 4 Preservice teachers will include active inquiry lessons where students collect and interpret data in order to develop and communicate concepts and understand scientific processes, relationships and natural patterns from empirical experiences.

Measure 1

2018 Status
By the end of Student Teaching Semester, >90% of Biology Secondary Education Majors are meeting Proficiency in this objective as measured by CLAS Science Education Faculty.

2017 Status
By the end of the Student Teaching semester, >80% of Biology Secondary Education majors are meeting Proficiency in this objective, as assessed by College of Education Field Supervisors and Cooperating Teachers.

Outcome O Professional Knowledge and Skills: NSTA Standard 6 (BIO BS-Ed)

Effective teachers of science strive continuously to improve their knowledge and understanding of the ever changing knowledge base of both content, and science pedagogy, including approaches for addressing inequities and inclusion for all students in science. They identify with and conduct themselves as part of the science education community.
Objective 5 Preservice teachers will engage in professional development opportunities in their content field such as seminars, conferences, research opportunities, or projects within their community.

Measure 1

2018 Status
By the end of Student Teaching Semester, 100% of Biology Secondary Education Majors are meeting Proficiency in this objective as measured by CLAS Science Education Faculty.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
We have increased our expectation for high impact experiences for our Biology Secondary Education majors. We are currently not meeting this new desired threshold and are working to increase awareness of available high impact experiences to encourage additional student engagement.