Global Laker Story Slam
Date, Time, & Location
Friday, October 25th
12:00 - 1:30 PM
Location: Mary Idema Pew Multipurpose Room on Atrium Level
GVSU students & alumni who studied abroad or are international will be sharing their stories from around the globe!
Are YOU a GVSU student or alumni who participated in a study abroad? Are you an international student or alumni? Sign up and share your story!
Save the date! Storytellers will be asked to attend a Storytelling Workshop to prepare for the event.
Not interested in telling a story? Attend and listen to stories from our Global Lakers!
Contact [email protected] with any questions.
Sign Up to Tell a Story
The number of storytellers will be capped at 15. You will be notified in advance to confirm if you are telling a story.
Story Guidelines:
- 2 - 5 minute long story about your study abroad or international experience
- Can be funny, inspirational, challenging, fun memories, travel mishaps, a learning experience, whatever you want
- Racism, homophobia, ethnocentrism, or hate speech will not be tolerated
- Please be respectful of the host country and culture
Story Telling Workshop
Date, Time, & Location
Friday, October 11th
12:00 - 1:30 PM
Location: Kirkhof Center 2270
Have you felt like you can't find the right words to share your transformative experience abroad with your friends and family?
Do you want to learn how to share your study abroad experience in an engaging way?
Join us for our Storytelling Workshop for returned study abroad students. Telling your story is a powerful way to connect with those around you. It is also a valuable tool that you can use to speak about your study abroad experience in social settings and job interviews. In this workshop you will learn the basics of telling an engaging and compelling story and you will have the opportunity to create a story from your personal experience abroad. This workshop is designed for students preparing to tell a short story at the Global Laker Story Slam but participants are NOT required to tell a story at the slam event.
Returned Student Series

Study Abroad Returned Student Series Graduation Sash
Attending or participating in the Global Laker Story Slam counts as one event for the Returned Student Series. Attending the Story Telling workshop also counts as one event. Only long-term study abroad students are eligible for the free graduation sash (not for faculty-led programs).