Exchange/Provider Course Approval Process

Follow these steps to complete the course approval process for your study abroad experience. This can be an involved and detailed process, so take your as you move through the content.

If you have questions, reach out to Jamie Pleyte

greece 2023

Step 1: Research Courses Offered at the Host University

Research courses offered at the host university you've selected.

Course information can be found by visiting the program website.

Please note, not all courses that are listed will be offered every semester. For questions regarding courses (including requesting a syllabus) contact the provider/exchange university directly.

Step 2: Review Existing Course Equivalencies

Some courses have already been approved to transfer back to GVSU a certain way. 

To view these courses, see the pre-approved course equivalencies:

Pre-Approved Course Equivalencies

If there is an existing course equivalency for the course you wish to take abroad, simply fill out the following form. NOTE: Please only fill out this form if you have applied and received acceptance through GVSU for your study abroad program. If you have not yet completed a study abroad application, do not fill out this form. Do NOT fill out this form if you are participating in a faculty-led program. 

Pre-Approved Study Abroad Course Form

Step 3: Request a Course Equivalency

If the course(s) you would like to take abroad has/have not already been approved, you will need to request a course equivalency from the relevant GVSU department to determine how the course would transfer back to GVSU.

1. Determine the Department Contact whom you will need to contact to receive approval.

Department Contacts

2. Email the appropriate contact using the template - CC'ing Jamie Pleyte

 Course Approval Email Template 


Additional Information for Seidman College of Business:

Students requesting course approvals from the Seidman College of Business must provide the following information in order for their request to be considered:

  • Institution/ Program       
  • Course name & #             
  • Course Syllabus               
  • Contact Hours               
  • US Credit Hours             
  • Website documenting this information

STEP 4: Submit Forms to Padnos International Center

Carbon Copy (CC) email when contacting the department or submit the Pre-Approved Course Approval form in to Padnos International Center.

Step 5: Fulfill General Education Credits (Optional)

Courses taken abroad can be used to fulfill General Education requirements including Issues, Foundations & Cultures and Supplemental Writing Skills.

Learn More About How to Fulfill General Education Courses

Academic Policies

Additional information regarding coursework abroad can be found on our Academic Policies page.


Page last modified January 19, 2025