Sustainable Reinvestment Fund
The Reinvestment Fund has been established through the contributions of various departments and auxiliaries including: Finance and Administration, Campus Dining, University Bookstore, Student Senate, and the Office of Sustainability Practices. Faculty and students will have access to grants for sustainability projects. The goal of the fund is to support projects that can be replicated across the university, working in support of GVSUs goal of becoming a national leader in sustainable practice. Projects will be screened through an application process and a final report is required.
A standing Sustainable Reinvestment Fund committee (comprised of students, faculty, staff, and administration members) has been established to approve project requests and monitor overall project progress and results. Grants will be provided for projects that generate on-going savings or other advantages to the university as a whole (e.g. energy, printing costs, increased recycling, etc.). Recipients of funding will not be expected to repay the grant to the fund. They will, however, be expected to provide a report to the committee and information to other units that wish to replicate the project. The Office of Sustainability Practices will disseminate the results and successes of funded projects to the university community through various platforms, encouraging replication and other related projects. The Office of Sustainability Practices will prepare an annual report on activities of the fund, results of projects, estimated savings and impact on university sustainability efforts. The Office of Sustainability Practices will make requests to the Budget Committee for additional funding if appropriate. Please contact Yumiko Jakobcic at with questions.
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.
* denotes a required field