Forms and Agreements

Industry-Sponsored Research or Services Form

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Data Use Agreements (DUA)

A Data Use Agreement is a written contract used to govern the transfer of research data between organizations. These agreements can be set up between academic institutions, government agencies and/or corporate entities. DUAs address important issues such as data ownership, limitations on use of the data, publication, privacy rights that are associated with transfers of confidential or protected data, and the proper disposal of the data once the project is complete.

Download the Data Use Agreement

Material Transfer Agreements (MTA)

A Material Transfer Agreements is a contract governing the transfer of a tangible material from a provider to a recipient. Examples of tangible materials are plant or microbial cultures, monoclonal antibodies, plasmids, nucleotides, proteins and chemicals. It is important to have a MTA in place before materials are sent to a recipient or accepted from a provider. The purpose of an MTA is to avoid misunderstanding between the parties and to protect the interests of both parties.

Download an Inbound MTA Questionnaire

Download an Outbound MTA Questionnaire

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

A Non-Disclosure Agreement facilitates a free exchange of confidential information. To prepare a NDA, the information needed includes collaborator contact information, a one-sentence description of the reason for sharing the information, and how many years you are asking for terms of confidentiality to be maintained.

Download the Non-Disclosure Agreement 

Research Collaboration Agreement (RCA)

The Research Collaboration Agreement is a written contract between GVSU and one or more organizations that help define the relationship during a research program. This agreement develops the intent to share data and research materials, as well as publication of research findings. Generally these Agreements also include terms and conditions on how the results of the research, particularly inventions, will be shared between the parties.

Download the Research Collaboration Agreement

Service Agreement

Service agreements are legally binding contracts used when GVSU expertise is applied to solve problems with the business community. More commonly called "Fee For Service", these agreements include GVSU terms and conditions that enable entities to conduct relevant work, the results of which will owned by the business.

Download the Service Agreement 

Testing Agreement (TA)

Testing Agreements are a written contract for when there is a request to conduct a specific technical analysis, generally utilizing specialized instrumentation found at GVSU. The data generated will be provided to the collaborator without interpretation. All data are owned by the business.

Download the Testing Agreement

Page last modified May 17, 2024