AMD Stand - Vandermolen

Adjustable Mobile Device Stand

The concept of the device sets out to provide individuals with physical disabilities and visual disabilities with a way to stand mobile devices such as an iPad, tablet, or mobile phone.  The stand concept was initiated based off of individuals with Parkinson's and individuals with visual disabilities so that they may be able to use the stand and the mobile device in a hands-free environment.

For further details, connect with GVSU innovator Julia VanderMolen; [email protected], (616) 331-5566

Automatic Swing

The automatic swing of this innovation was designed to support persons weighing between 30-300 pounds, who desire a “free-downstroke acceleration,” or a more natural swinging motion.  The swing is motorized to enable customizable swing times. The first prototype of the swing has been built and tested.

For further details, connect with GVSU innovator Mahdi Norouzi; [email protected], (616) 331-6044

Automatic Swing - Norouzi

Development of Rapid Assessment Methods for Agriculture Crop Pathogens using Image Flow Cytometry (IFCM)

GVSU innovator Kevin Strychar as developed E. Coli testing methods utilizing imaging flow cytometry (IFCM) eliminating challenges faced by other testing methods, providing rapid assessment of pathogen strain, concentration and cell lifecycle in minutes.  Work in his laboratory has successfully shown the detection of various strains of E. coli (or multiple pathogens!) through IFCM in less than 60 seconds from sample collection to identification.  Therefore, real-time decisions could be made by the producer whether to quarantine or release food products to the market.

For further details, connect with GVSU innovator Kevin Strychar; [email protected], (616) 331-8796

ETT Holder

Endotracheal Tube (ETT) Holder

Endotracheal tube (ETT) holders currently on the market do not prevent unplanned removal or extubation of a hospital patient’s breathing tube, which can cause significant airway trauma or death. To solve this problem the current invention redesigns the endotracheal tube holder and how an ETT holder interacts with the patient’s face, increasing stability, strength, and comfort, thereby reducing the occurrence of unplanned extubations, pressure sores, and skin breakdown.

In collaboration with Spectrum Health Innovations.

Available for license

Esophagus Dissection Device

Currently, there exists no “gold standard” technique for esophagectomy. The choice of the technique depends on several factors, with the location of the tumor and surgeon’s experience as the most relevant. This invention focuses on a new specialized, minimally invasive tool for transhiatal esophagectomy. These tools enable surgeons to successfully visualize and deliver laparoscopic tools for dissection, resection, and lymph node removal in the surgical field. The invention includes two components; the hiatus guide for the dissection device and the dissection device which forms a helix around esophagus to efficiently and effectively dissect tissue.

For futher details, connect with Linda Chamberlain

In collaboration with Trinity Health

Esophagus Dissection Device

Medical Injection Port

Medical Injection Port Locator Device

Medical injection ports provide convenience for long term drug administration. Unfortunately, these devices are associate with various complications, including infection, needle misses to patient and needle sticks to medical personnel. This invention describes an apparatus that helps to improve the accuracy of finding medical injection ports while protecting the medical provider and patient from dangerous needle sticks, improving satisfaction of both.

For futher details, connect with Linda Chamberlain

In collaboration with Trinity Health

Single Axis Quantum Tunneling Probe

This innovation describes an inexpensive device option that can be used in undergraduate or graduate teaching labs to study quantum tunneling and local electronic structures of materials.
Construction of this device was shared at the West Michigan Nanoscience and Quantum Technology Conference, July 2017, and Ohio Section of the American Physical Society/Michigan Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers Fall Meeting, October 2019.

For further details, connect with GVSU innovator Josh Veazey; [email protected], (616) 331-2096

SAQT Probe - Veazey

Page last modified May 17, 2024