We need your help and support!
Please consider donating to the Emerging Technology Fund at Grand Valley State University. This fund will help support the study of innovative and emerging technologies that will create the next generation of teaching and learning. The resources received will support the work of the Atomic Object TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASE in the Mary Idema Pew Library Learning and Information Commons at GVSU.
We are on mission to identify innovative technologies that can transform the educational experience at Grand Valley State University. With over 40 technology exhibits (and counting) currently on display in the showcase, we are always looking for the next big thing.
Our goal is to help contribute to student success by leveraging technology in teaching and learning - and with your investment, support, and gift, we can invent the future!
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Note: Giving may qualify you for tax benefits. As with all gifts to non-profit organizations, it is best to check with your personal financial adviser to evaluate the tax benefits of your specific gift plan. For more information, please contact University Development.