Eric Kunnen
Senior Director, IT Innovation and Research
Department: Information Technology
Phone: (616) 331-9171
Eric has a passion for, works to lead, support, and coordinate effective uses of technology in education. He is on mission to advance teaching and learning through the integration of emerging and innovative instructional technologies.
When did you start working in the showcase? August 2013
What are two of your favorite technologies in the showcase and why?
- Double Robotics: This was the first technology we purchased in the showcase and because of that, it's still my favorite. I also see potential with this technology as the ultimate telepresence tool. Finally, it's basically a Segway for your iPad, and what isn't cool about a Segway?
- HTC Vive: I'm not a gamer, but I do see the potential of virtual and augmented reality in education. This technology has a lot of exciting uses in medical simulations, laboratory work, architecture, art, and so much more. Google Cardboard gets an honorable mention in the VR space also.
Hunter Bridwell
Emerging Technologies Coordinator, IT Innovation and Research
Department: Information Technology
Phone: (616) 331-2141
When did you start working in the showcase? September 2021
What are two of your favorite technologies in the showcase and why?
- XR: I see a ton of potential with immersive learning and simulation in XR. As the barrier to entry on developing XR becomes lower and physical hardware becomes smaller and more versatile, I think we are going to really discover what XR has to offer.
- 3D Scanning: I love the idea of a virtual duplicate of a physical object and the ability to share that anywhere with anyone.
Emerging Technology Specialist Team Lead
Major/Minor: Electrical Engineering/Mathematics
Year in school: Senior
When did you start working in the showcase? January 2022
What are your two favorite technologies in the showcase and why?
- 3D printers: It’s really cool to be able to design something on a computer and then later be able to hold it in your hands and use it.
- Valve Index: I think vr is so cool and can be used for so much, and the Valve is really good at mimicking your hand and finger movements in games.

Emerging Technology Specialist Team Lead
Major/Minor: Computer Engineering/Math
Year in school: Sophomore
When did you start working in the showcase? August 2022
What are your two favorite technologies in the showcase and why?
- 3D Printing: They enable rapid prototyping and are a unique technology that is fun to work with.
- L3D Cube: It's cool to look at and fun to program.

Emerging Technology Specialist
Major: Applied Computer Science
Year: Masters
When did you start working in the showcase? August 2022
What are your two favorite technologies in the showcase and why?
- 3D Printing: 3D printing allows for a lot of creative potential.
- Hololens: The Algorithmic Nature program on the Hololens is really interesting to me.

Emerging Technology Specialist
Major/Minor: Art Education
Year in school: Sophomore
When did you start working in the showcase? August 2023
What are your favorite technologies in the showcase?
- Embroidery Machine

Emerging Technology Specialist
Major/Minor: Health and Physical Education
Year in school: Junior
When did you start working in the showcase? May 2023
What are your favorite technologies in the showcase?
- 3D printing: Making this service available to students is great.

Emerging Technology Specialist
Major/Minor: Biochemistry
Year in school: Sophomore
When did you start working in the showcase? August 2023
What are your favorite technologies in the showcase?
- Embroidery Machine

Emerging Technology Specialist
Major/Minor: Information Technology
Year in school: Sophomore
When did you start working in the showcase? August 2023
What are your favorite technologies in the showcase?
- Valve Index VR Headset

Emerging Technology Specialist
Major/Minor: Computer Science
Year in school: Sophomore
When did you start working in the showcase? August 2023
What are your favorite technologies in the showcase?
- 3D Printers
- Glowforge

Emerging Technology Specialist
Major/Minor: Computer Science
Year in school: Freshman
When did you start working in the showcase? August 2023
What are your favorite technologies in the showcase?
- Hololens Mixed Reality Headset

DJI Robomaster EP Core, Candy Distributor, Team Mascot
When did you start working in the showcase? 01001101 01100001 01111001 00100000 00110010 00110000 00110010 00110011 (May 2023)
What are your favorite technologies in the showcase?
- 01000101 01101101 01100010 01110010 01101111 01101001 01100100 01100101 01110010 01111001 00100000 01001101 01100001 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100101 (Embroidery Machine)