Workday Help

Workday Help provides employees with a knowledge market of on-demand information related to HR and Student Employment, and offers case management for HR troubleshooting. 

Note: Workday Help does not replace the IT Service Portal. Information related to password/accounts, network/wifi, classroom and teaching technology, etc. continues to be located in the IT Knowledge Base and IT tickets continue to be submitted via the IT Service Catalog

Help Articles vs. Cases

Help Components


Help Articles
(Primary component of WD Help)

Formerly known as “job aids,” Help Articles provide illustrated instructions to assist in the initiation of a variety of Workday business processes related to payroll, benefits, recruitment and hiring, performance, and more. HR and Student Employment Help Articles may be accessed easily via a simple keyword search in the main search bar of Workday. 

Note: Finance-related job aids remain accessible via the Workday Job Aid page

Help Cases
(Secondary component of WD Help)

Completed Workday training, reviewed the Help Articles, and are still stuck? Employees can submit a Help Case (similar to an IT ticket) to get assistance from an HR specialist. 

Note: Support for Finance, IT, and general Workday questions can be found at the Workday Support page

What does Workday Learning mean for GVSU?​

Employees will be able to access help information and submit HR requests directly within Workday (versus doing so via the website, email, phone call, or viewing job aids).

Who is involved?​

  • Lead: Human Resources  
  • Supporting: Student Employment 
  • Impacted: All GVSU employees/Workday users 

When is Workday Help available to users?​

  • July 2024: Human Resources will begin curating a library of Help articles within Workday.
  • August 12, 2024: Campus community gains access to view Help articles and begin submitting tickets via case management.

Workday Help FAQ

Workday job aids related to HR and Student Employment have transitioned to "Help Articles" within Workday. To access tutorials related to HR and Student Employment, login to Workday and navigate to the Help menu item. Finance-related job aids continue to be available on the Workday Job Aid webpage

More than 100 Help Articles are available on topics ranging from student employee hiring, employee benefits, recruitment and hiring, to leaves and accommodations, with additional HR topics being added regularly. 

Help Articles are available to help navigate a variety of Workday business processes. You may access a Help Article as a new employee getting acquainted with the basic functions of Workday, as a longstanding employee seeking to view or change your personal employee information, or as a frequent Workday user needing to learn how to initiate an unfamiliar business process (e.g., creating a job requisition or entering vacation time). 

There are two ways to access Help Articles: (1) you can navigate to the Help menu from the main Workday page and browse article categories, or (2) search for topics directly from the top search bar on the main Workday page. Articles related to the search terms (i.e. “direct deposit”, “absence”, “address”, etc.) will populate. 

Employees are advised to submit a Help Case in situations in which application of associated Help Articles do not provide resolution, the inquiry is beyond the scope of what employees have access to resolve on their own in Workday, or there is a system/security error inhibiting the initiation of completion of a business process. Examples include supervisory organization creation or renaming, employee data inaccuracies (i.e. date of birth or gender entered incorrectly), job requisition errors, etc. 

To submit a case, navigate to the Help app and click on the blue “Create Case” button at the bottom. A Help Case may be submitted for yourself or on behalf of another staff member (i.e. an Administrative Assistant may submit a Help Case related to the account of a staff member within the unit). Upon submission, you will identify the associated Case Type, title the Help Case (similar to an email subject line), and provide a detailed description of the problem. You may also upload a document to accompany the case (e.g., screenshot, email thread).

Help Cases should not be submitted as a first step or to request general assistance or training in Workday. Employees should complete appropriate Workday training and review Help Articles before submitting a Help Case. General questions should continue to be directed to your assigned member of the HR Strategic Business Partner team. Case Management is designed for troubleshooting highly complex or unusual difficulties. 

Help Cases are triaged by the HR Strategic Support team for resolution or assignment to the associated member of the Strategic Business Partner team for investigation, referral and resolution. 

Time to resolve depends on the inquiry. Some Help Cases can be resolved the same business day, while others may require referral to HR specialty areas or external vendors. 

General inquiries should continue to be routed to your assigned member of the HR Strategic Business Partner team who remains your primary point of contact within Human Resources, providing trusted and relevant consultation and guidance on matters ranging from benefits to talent acquisition to performance. Some HR functions have a self-service option and may be resolved at the employee level without additional assistance needed. 

Employees have many self-service options available on demand. Such services include (but are not limited to) ordering a replacement or additional insurance card, adjusting retirement contribution elections, and verifying employment. 

Page last modified July 11, 2024