Lower Grand River Watershed Management Plan
The Lower Grand River Watershed Management Plan (LGRWMP) was updated in 2010-2011 and was approved by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality in September 2011.
The LGRWMP is divided into three volumes: Narrative, Figures, and Appendices. You may download each of the volumes separately by clicking the links below. However, these are very large files and may take considerable time to download depending on your internet connection.
We offer a separate option for the Narrative. You may download each chapter separately.
Chapter 2 - Watershed Characteristics
Chapter 3 - Watershed Conditions
Chapter 4 - Identification and Prioritization of Pollutants, Sources, and Causes
Chapter 5 - Goals and Objectives of the Watershed
Chapter 6 - Implementation Plan
Chapter 7 - Information and Education Strategy
Chapter 8 - Methods of Measuring Progress
If you have any trouble with downloading a copy of the LGRWMP, or have a question about the LGROW, contact John Koches, Associate Research Scientist at kochesj@gvsu.edu.