Pigeon River Watershed Project - Project Information

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Project Overview

The Pigeon River Watershed Project is funded under the Water Quality Act (Clean Water Act) of 1987. Under Section 319, the act is an important management tool for controlling nonpoint source pollution. With help from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, the Pigeon River Watershed Project will be fully funded to develop a watershed management plan. This comprehensive plan will identify, document, quantify, and prioritize nonpoint pollution sources in the Pigeon River Watershed. The Pigeon River Watershed Advisory Committee (established January 1994) consists of various agencies, businesses, organizations, and watershed residents. This committee will oversee the activities and development of the Pigeon River Watershed Management Plan.

Timberland Resource Conservation & Development Council (sponsor), along with the Ottawa Soil & Water Conservation District (co-sponsor) will assist in the development of watershed management practices for improving water quality in the Pigeon River Watershed.

Watershed Profile

The Pigeon River Watershed is located in west-central Ottawa County, covering 41,395 acres or roughly 65 square miles. The main branch of the Pigeon River, which is 11.8 miles from 104th Ave. to the mouth, flows through the center of Port Sheldon and Olive Townships. Most of the tributaries are county drains, road ditches, or private ditches. The head waters are contained in Blendon Township, with reaches of the watershed touching Grand Haven, Robinson, Park and Zeeland Townships.

The Pigeon River Watershed consists of all the land area and water bodies that drain into the Pigeon River, flowing into Pigeon Lake and then into Lake Michigan. The southwestern portion of the watershed contains Ten Hagen Creek, which is 3.0 miles in length. Sawyer Creek is located in central Olive Township and contains 1.8 miles of stream.

Project Focus & Designated Uses

The focus of the Pigeon River Watershed Project is to improve water quality and enhance the designated uses listed below by educating and informing the community and installing conservation practices and landowners in improving the quality of "their" watershed.

  • Agriculture
  • Habitat and Indigenous Aquatic Life and Wildlife
  • Industrial Water Supply
  • Partial or Total Body Contact Recreation
  • Public Water Supply at the Point of Intake
  • Warm Water Fishery
  • Cold Water Fishery

Page last modified January 19, 2011