Rod Denning, M.A.

Research Associate, GISP
132 Lake Michigan Center
740 West Shoreline Drive Muskegon, MI 49441 (616) 331-3793
AWRI Activities:
- Execute, plan, coordinate, and oversee activities related to GIS (Geographic Information Systems) development
- Create technical documents in support of Institute research
- Participate in research presentations and public outreach
- Train/supervise staff and student employees
- Geographic science and associated technology (GIS, Remote Sensing, GPS)
- ESRI products such as: ArcGIS, and ArcView GIS
- Other software: IDRISI GIS, ER-Mapper and ERDAS IMAGINE image processing
- Forest management
General Information:
- M.A. Geography, 1990 - Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
- B.S. Forestry, 1979 - Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
- Member of the Association of American Geographers
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