Stormwater Management Project - What Tools are Available for Stormwater Management?

Model Ordinance
Stormwater Atlas
Stormwater Educational Handbook
Introduction Several tools have been developed to address storm water needs in Kent County. In addition to traditional structural controls, these tools include the need for cooperative local and regional zoning, policy development and implementation, data collection and management, public education, and institutionalized funding.
Model Ordinance - Design and Performance Standards The model ordinance can be modified by individual Townships/Municipalities to minimize polluted runoff, prevent flooding and property damage, prevent erosion, eliminate nuisances, and improve water quality within the township. The model ordinance not only contains the legal mechanisms with which the Township or Municipality can better manage development, but also more technical management tools for design and review engineers. The ordinance provides the basis for onsite storm water design and control, including determination of storm water detention volume, detailed criteria for determining which control measures should be used, baseline rainfall curve data, and a checklist for storm water plan review.
View Model Ordinance in PDF form
Stormwater Atlas The Stormwater Management Atlas displays geographic information system (GIS) land-use data in a format, which will assist decision-makers in selecting the best watershed-based policies to manage storm water. The atlas also contains many tools for design or review engineers. These include the present locations and percentages of impervious surfaces, present land uses, and outlines of watersheds larger than ten square miles.
Stormwater Educational Handbook The Stormwater Educational Handbook is a user-friendly guide that aids the reader in understanding the effects of storm water runoff, how it can be managed, and the additional support materials available for storm water management.
View Stormwater Handbook in PDF form