Winter 2025 Ballot Information for University- and College-Level Committees and Policy and Bylaws Changes
Voting is now open!
Cast your vote by 11:59 p.m. , Friday, April 4.
Today begins the two-week voting period for both our annual university and college committee elections, and the updates to bylaws for the College Advisory and Communication Committee (CACC) and Faculty Council and proposed personnel policy language for CECI. All ballots are listed below. We ask that you please complete the ballots that pertain to you over the next two weeks.
Election Timeline
- The nomination ballot will be sent to all faculty/staff by Wednesday, February 26.
- Nominations are due Wednesday, March 12 by 11:59 p.m.
- The election ballot will be sent to all faculty/staff by Friday, March 21.
- Friday, April 4 will be the final day to submit your vote.
- Committee results will be announced the week of April 7.
Faculty Only for University-Level Committees & Policy and Bylaw Changes
All Tenure/Tenure-Track faculty are encouraged to vote.
Faculty Only Ballots for College Committees
Only Tenure/Tenure-Track faculty for those units listed below are encouraged to vote.
ELC Faculty College Committees Voting Ballot
LEFT Faculty College Committees Voting Ballot
SCLD Faculty College Committees Voting Ballot
SCCJLS Faculty College Committees Voting Ballot
Affiliate Faculty and Staff Ballots
These ballots are for the college committees and these units only
Educational Leadership and Counseling Ballot
School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Legal Studies Ballot
University-Level Committees
Committee descriptions, meeting frequencies, and term lengths are listed below.
Executive Committee of the Senate (two seats available)
The Executive Committee of the Senate (ECS) serves as the clearing house for matters to be presented to the UAS. Such matters are discussed by ECS before its recommendations are made to the Senate. Its powers and duties include preparing the agenda for UAS, acting for UAS, receiving reports from the standing committees of UAS, nominating members for all committees, task forces, and boards elected by UAS, determining the number and distribution of UAS members, providing advice and counsel to the administration, arranging faculty forums, and deciding the matters that should be reviewed by the various branches of faculty governance.
Meeting Frequency: Meets on Fridays from 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Full Term: 3 years
Academic Policies and Standards Committee (two seats available)
The responsibilities of the Academic Policies and Standards Committee (APSC) include studying, reviewing, and making pertinent recommendations on academic policies and procedures. Its duties include composing policies relevant to admission, retention and dismissal, repeat grades, withdrawal, the academic calendar, and library privileges.
Meeting Frequency: Meets one Thursday per month from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Full Term: 2 years
Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee - Affiliate Faculty Seats (two seats available)
The role of this Advisory Committee is to represent the needs and perspectives of all University Affiliate Faculty and to provide recommendations to University bodies on matters which may impact Affiliate faculty responsibilities, with the goal of providing an optimal teaching and learning environment as well as increased advocacy, visibility, retention, and development for all Affiliate faculty.
Meeting Frequency: Meets one Friday per month from 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Full Term: 3 years
Faculty Salary and Budget Committee (one seat available)
The Faculty Salary and Budget Committee (FSBC) is a standing subcommittee of the University Academic Senate (UAS). Established in April 1983, the FSBC works to provide an informed understanding of the financial health of the university. The FSBC advocates for the faculty on all matters with significant budgetary implications with focused attention on new programs, salaries, and healthcare benefits.
Meeting Frequency: Meets regularly on Fridays from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. (typically every other week).
Full Term: 3 years (position available is for a remaining two-year term)
Faculty Grievance Panel (one seat available)
The Faculty Grievance Committee will function to review and make recommendations about a grievance. Its function is normally to determine that the prior decisions in the case before it have been arrived at in accordance with the established procedures and with the educational and professional objectives of the University but may also include a substantive re-examination of the case.
Meeting Frequency: Only meets when needed to address a grievance
Full Term: 3 years
General Education Committee (one seat available)
The General Education Committee works closely with the program Director and reviews and makes recommendations on all matters related to the General Education Program at Grand Valley State University.
Meeting Frequency: Meets twice a month on Mondays from 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Full Term: 3 years
Graduate Council (one seat available)
The Graduate Council is a faculty-led governance standing committee of the University Academic Senate. It was established in the 2004-05 academic year to promote excellence in graduate education by creating policies and reviewing curricula that ensure consistency, equity, and fairness across all graduate programs.
Meeting Frequency: Meetings held on Fridays 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. OR 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Full Term: 3 years
International Education Committee (one seat available)
To review, authorize, evaluate, and recommend modifications to all international programs administered by the Office of International Affairs; to recommend priorities, new initiatives, policies, and procedures for the Office of International Affairs programs, including campus curricular and co-curricular activities; to advocate for international students, study abroad, faculty research and exchange, and community integration, within the university and West Michigan; and to ensure integrity and academic excellence in all international initiatives undertaken abroad by GVSU.
Meeting Frequency: Meets three to four times per semester
Full Term: 3 years
Research and Development Committee (one seat available)
The Faculty Research and Development Committee (R&D) develops and recommends policies pertaining to research conduct and development to the Vice Provost for Research Administration. They also review R&D internal grants and distinguished award nominations.
Meeting Frequency: Meets four times per semester on Fridays from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Full Term: 3 years
University Conduct Pool (one seat available)
The Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR) is grounded in restorative practices, social justice, and education. We recognize that conflict is inevitable in relationships. We support our university by teaching skills for effective conflict management through educational workshops and by offering various pathways to resolution when harm has occurred.
Meeting Frequency: Meets held as needed to address a conduct issue
Full Term: 3 years
University Curriculum Committee (one seat available)
The University Curriculum Committee (UCC) is responsible for a wide range of curriculum matters at the university. Whether it`s a change to an old course, the introduction of a new course or new program, or a change in requirements to the curriculum associated with a major or minor, the proposal must be reviewed by UCC.
Meeting Frequency: Meetings held on Wednesdays from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Full Term: 2 years
Writing Skills Committee (one seat available)
The University Writing Skills Committee exists to develop and assess goals for Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program through the Supplemental Writing Skills (SWS) program at GVSU. To this end, the committee enables collaboration among the institutions across campus that support writing, specifically the First Year Writing Program, the Fred Meijer Center for Writing and Michigan Authors, the University Libraries, and Information Technology.
Meeting Frequency: Meets monthly during the academic year
Full Term: 3 years
Confirmed CECI Candidates for University-Level Committees 2025
Salvador Lopez-Arias (SSW)
Rabourn (ELC)
Janelle Grant Ashbaugh (LEFT)
Joseph Kuilema (SSW)
Sheffer (SCCJLS)
Jennifer Marson-Reed (SCCJLS)
Kuilema (SSW)
Beomkyu Choi (LEFT)
Sherie Klee (T&L)
Mohammad (Didar) Hossain (SSW)
Ronke Olawale (SSW)
Jacquelynn Doyon-Martin (SCCJLS)
Jennifer Marson-Reed (SCCJLS)
Joseph Kuilema (SSW)
Adkns-Cartee (LEFT)
Lorie A. Tuma (SCLD-HTM)
Snider (T&L)
College-Level Committees
Committee descriptions, meeting frequencies, and term lengths are listed below.
Affiliate/Visiting Committee (AVC) (two seats available)
The Affiliate/Visitor Committee (AVC) will provide a professional forum for its members to support each other; AVC will identify and coordinate professional development related to current teaching strategies; AVC will identify themes among AVC faculty and work collectively to elevate successes and address concerns; and AVC will discuss matters that impact their positions in the College of Education and Community Innovation (CECI) and propose solutions.
Meeting Frequency: Meets once a month during the academic year
Full Term: 3 years
Seats available: LEFT, SSW
College Advisory and Communication Committee (CACC) (five seats available)
The College Advisory and Communication Committee (CACC) is a collaborative and broadly representative forum that exists to advise the other standing committees and the Dean of the College of Education and Community Innovation (CECI). The purpose of the CACC is to identify gaps in processes and address needs that intersect units across the college.
Meeting Frequency: Meets once a month or as needed during the academic year
Full Term: 3 years
Seats available: CEP, SCCJLS, OCA, ELC (two-year term), SCLD (two-year term)
College Curriculum Committee (CCC) (four seats available)
The College Curriculum Committee (CCC) will review and advise the Dean on all curricular matters, including proposals for new courses, programs, majors, minors, general education, prospective and final plan proposals, and other university documents and criteria for program admission; review proposals for potential overlap with, or effect on, other disciplines, Units, or Colleges; inform the Dean’s Office of requests to assist with communication or coordination among affected disciplines, Units, and Colleges.; and the committee will monitor and review curricular consistency with competencies and objectives required for accreditation, state approval, and specialty program approval.
Meeting Frequency: Meets every other Tuesday from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. during the academic year
Full Term: 3 years
Seats available: ELC, SCLD, T&L, SCCJLS (one-year term)
College Personnel Committee (CPC) (three seats available)
The College Personnel Committee (CPC) will review and make recommendations to the Dean on all contract renewals, tenure, and promotion decisions, dismissal for adequate cause, personnel policies and issues, and other requirements (see Faculty Handbook). It will also make recommendations to the Dean and/or the Faculty Council (FC) concerning other personnel matters or policies, upon its own initiative, or upon the request of the Dean or the FC.Meeting Frequency: Meets as necessary to 1) review personnel actions, 2) discuss and address personnel policy, and 3) attend to other business as necessary.
Full Term: 3 years
Seats available: ELC, SCCJLS, At-large JEDI
Faculty Council (four seats available)
Faculty Council (FC) is a deliberative and representative forum that exists to consider the activities of the College of Education and Community Innovation (CECI) in all of its facets, with particular attention to educational objectives, strategic initiatives, and those matters that affect the common interests of faculty and students within the college. Faculty have the primary responsibility for fundamental areas such as curriculum, subject matter and methods of instruction, research, faculty status, and those aspects of student life that relate to the educational process.
Meeting Frequency: Meets once a month during the academic year
Full Term: 3 years
Seats available: LEFT, SSW, SCCJLS (two-year term), SCLD (one-year term)
Staff Executive Committee (SC) (eight seats available)
The Staff Executive Committee (SC) will discuss staff concerns and recommend college policies and procedures to the Dean and college governance; the SC executive committee, or designees, will recommend staff for awards and university and college committee representation when available, and create standing and ad hoc committees as needed; and will assist in developing and implementing the strategic plan of CECI.
Meeting Frequency: Meets once a month during the academic year
Full Term: 3 years
Seats available: SCLD, SCCJLS, OCA (one-year term), T&L (one-year term), CECI UAC (two-year term), ELC (two-year term), LEFT (two-year term), SSW (two-year term)
Confirmed CECI Candidates for College-Level Committees 2025
Sarah Chase (LEFT)
Paul Bylsma (ELC)
Courtney Topic (SCCJLS)
Paul Bylsma (ELC)
Mohammed Lefrid (SCLD)
Jacki Cwick (SCCJLS)
Rick Geisel (ELC)
Carrie Buist (either
SCCJLS or At-large JEDI)
Lindsay Stoetzel (LEFT)
Emily Nichols (SSW)