Forms and Quick Links
Concerned About A Student? Do you have a Student Conduct Issue? Make a Referral to the Dean of Students Office.
Commonly Used Forms
All the forms described below as well as all other university forms can be found on the Registrar’s website
Academic Integrity and Misconduct Reporting - OSCCR - faculty must report all incidents of academic misconduct for which a grade penalty is to be imposed.
CARE Reporting - referral process for faculty and staff to share information regarding students who are experiencing significant challenges.
Credit/No Credit Requests:
- For students who wish to take a course as credit or no credit
- Students can request this grading option thru the Banner electronic process. The request is routed through the appropriate approval process and can be denied based on the discretion of the program, unit or college.
- Limits – students can take no more than 10 credit hours of major or minor course work as credit/no credit and no more than 25% of their total student credit hours
- Students must achieve a grade of C to receive credit; C- and below receive no credit
- The form must be received by the Records Office by 5:00 p.m. on the 75% refund deadline
- The option is irreversible
FERPA Release Forms
- FERPA Release for Reference Requests:
- FERPA requires student’s consent for release of student’s education records to third parties.
- Use this form when students request letters of recommendation – the student MUST sign the form prior to the release of the letter
- Must be kept by the faculty member writing the letter
- FERPA Permission to Release Non-Public Information:
- FERPA requires student’s consent for release of student’s education records to third parties.
- Use this form for any release of non-public information, except for letters of recommendation
- Student MUST sign the form before the information can be released
- This covers conversations with parents and third parties
- General FERPA policies at they pertain to student records.
Undergraduate Application for Graduation/Diploma:
- In order for students to indicate their readiness for graduation, they must submit apply online for graduation
- This starts the graduation audit process and ensures that the students’ name will appear in the commencement program (if desired)
- The graduation audit will be reviewed by a Records Auditor and forwarded to the faculty advisor if there are any deficiencies listed on the MyPath report for that student
- The faculty member can approve any reasonable substitutions and return
- Students withdrawing from Grand Valley during an academic term must fill out the online complete withdrawal form from the Registrar’s Office website and, if applicable, have it signed by the director of the Student Academic Success Center.
- The completed form must be returned to the Student Assistance Center.
- Students do not need to obtain the signature of their faculty advisor on the form
- Any refunds will be based on the date the completed form is filed with the Registrar’s Office.
- The deadline for submitting a complete withdrawal form for any given semester is 5:00 p.m. of the Friday of the last week classes, prior to the start of final exams.
- After this date, students will need to appeal for a complete withdrawal through the Academic Review Committee.
- Students who are in good standing but have not enrolled in a course for two or more semesters must submit this form to the Registrar’s Office
Petition to Return After Dismissal from GVSU:
- Students who have been asked to leave for academic and/or disciplinary reasons must fill out this form and complete the directions on the back.
- A full outline of the process and materials required for the appeal can be found here: Petition to Return Process - Faculty
- This link provides specific information from the GVSU catalog on the academic progress of all undergraduate students
- This information defines the academic standing for each student, based on the number of credits earned and current GPA.
Registration/Drop and Add Form:
- This form is used by students to either add or drop courses outside of the online registration process
- This includes students who are not in good standing (cumulative GPA is below 2.0) and this requires the signature of an academic/faculty advisor
- This form is also used for students who have received approval to register for two courses which have a time conflict. In this case, both professors need to sign the form before the Records Office will process the request
- Students are allowed to repeat any course one time
- When repeating a course, the grade earned in the repeated attempt shall be the grade of record but the grades of all courses attempted will remain on a student’s official transcript
- Students who repeat a course will have only the last grade (most recent) counted towards their GPA, whether or not the last grade is higher
- Grades of I, W, AU, CR or NC do not replace an earlier grade – repeated courses must be taken for a letter grade (A – F)
- Students who repeat courses should be directed to talk with the Financial Aid office since this can have a direct effect on their ability to receive financial aid for the repeated course(s)
- Repeating a course more than once is allowed only with the approval of the student’s academic advisor
- In cases when the course is not in the student’s academic advisor’s unit, approval to repeat the course must be approved by the appropriate unit head of the department where the course is offered
- Please note: many undergraduate secondary admission programs and postgraduate professional programs routinely recalculate students’ undergraduate GPAs to include repeated coursework. The inclusion of repeated grades may lower a student’s overall GPA when applying to such programs. Students should consult with prospective programs regarding their policies before applying.
- For additional information regarding changes in federal regulations and impacts on financial aid for repeating courses, please refer the student to the Financial Aid Office for information
- If the student is denied permission to repeat a course more than once the student may appeal the decision by putting the request and rationale in writing and submitting it to the unit head of the program in which the course is located. If the unit head declines the appeal, or is the original decision maker, the student make then submit the appeal to the dean of the college in which the course is located.
Residency Waiver Request Form:
- The university requires that the last 30 credits towards an undergraduate degree be earned at GVSU
- Students who interrupt those last 30 credits must request a waiver of this policy by completing this form in consultation with their faculty advisor
- The form, with appropriate signatures, is then submitted to the Student Academic Success Center in 200 Student Services for a decision
Quick Links
Curriculum Guides - CLAS Majors/Minors
Graduation Requirements (click on Degree Requirements under Undergraduate Academic Policies)
Last Date of Academic Activity
Navigate - Student Success Platform
Policies and Procedures - Catalog Information
Referrals and CARE Reports Flowchart
Transfer Courses and Transfer Resources
Transcripts - Viewing and Interpreting