Articles by Michele Coffill

Educators will discuss civility in public schools at 10th annual Civil Discourse Symposium

Panelists will discuss how school libraries have become sites of debated censorship and history curricula sources of contention.

Oct 31, 2023

Alumni award winners continue to make marks as Lakers

The Alumni Association will honor four Lakers for their significant contributions to their communities or professions during Homecoming week.

Oct 24, 2023

Audience at National Academies conference hears PCEC successes

The community ties that helped establish the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing were highlighted in Washington, D.C., during a National Academies roundtable discussion focused on undergraduate STEM education.

Oct 19, 2023

Writing Center consultants at forefront of AI tools to assist their peers

The center's policy focuses on using AI tools to improve the writing process if faculty members allow its use.

Oct 12, 2023

Student Philanthropy Week shines light on giving back, building community

Student Philanthropy Week shines a light on the importance of student organizations as a way to build community and serves to educate students on philanthropy.

Oct 5, 2023

Philanthropic Detroit couple opens doors to education for 400 new students

Nearly 400 new students have enrolled at Grand Valley this year largely because of the generosity of a Detroit couple who have expanded access to education for students from working-class families.

Sep 22, 2023

GVSU kicks off Tech Week with an immersive showcase from PCEC

Grand Valley kicked off its offerings for Tech Week GR September 19 with an immersive display of projects, collaborations and partnerships that stem from the Padnos College of Engineering and Design.

Sep 19, 2023

Raising awareness of Grand Valley in India

Faculty and staff connected with 1,200 people during a week's visit to a country that sends 914,000 students to study in the U.S.

Sep 14, 2023

New students hear advice, encouragement from Convocation speakers

Speakers at the Fall Convocation ceremony August 23 offered advice and encouragement to students who represent the largest and most diverse class in Grand Valley's history.

Aug 24, 2023

FTLC keynote speaker calls for faculty to be innovative in helping students, themselves improve attention skills

The constant push and pull of our brains creates havoc on a person's attention span. But how can faculty, as the "directors of attention" in a classroom help students pay attention?

Aug 23, 2023