Design Elements

Please contact University Marketing at (616) 331-2525 or for design direction and assistance.


Color is a very important element in recall and recognition of the university brand. That is why it is important to match Grand Valley's official colors as closely as possible in print or on the Web.

blue square
white square
black square

      GVSU Blue

      Hex: #0032A0

      RGB: 0/50/160

      Pantone: 286 C

      CMYK: 100/75/0/0


      Hex: #FFFFFF

      RGB: 255/255/255

      Pantone: White

      CMYK: 0/0/0/0


      Hex: #000000

      RGB: 0/0/0

      Pantone: Black

      CMYK: 0/0/0/100


Shown to the right are suggested complementary and contrasting typefaces to the logotype for use in publications. These recommended typefaces are most appropriate for our academic audiences.

It generally is preferable to use contrasting typefaces and a maximum of three per publication.




Suggested Fonts


Grand Valley's University Communications manages all official university photography and maintains the university photography archives.


Photo Requests and Release Forms ⇒


Guide: Best Practices for Inclusive and Diverse Photography in Higher Education

The visual representation of inclusion and diversity on college campuses is an essential part of telling the story of a university. This guide outlines best practices in photography for accurately including and depicting underrepresented populations.

"Imagery that falsely reflects the reality on campus risks marginalizing students who believed otherwise and can diminish the authenticity and reputation of the institution."


Download the Guide (.pdf, 2.2MB) ⇓


Cover of booklet titled "Best Practices for Inclusive and Diverse Photography in Higher Education"


Grand Valley State University strives to be an inclusive environment. As such, it is GVSU's policy to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Please see Grand Valley's ADA philosophy statement for more information.

To comply with the ADA, documents posted online, including, but not limited to, Adobe PDF files, Microsoft Word documents, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, and online flipbooks, must be screen-reader friendly. Screen-reader software is a form of assistive technology that reads a screen's display aloud to the user. Learn about Making Documents Accessible.


Page last modified April 18, 2024