IT News

X>STUDIO and Project Grand Path Envision Future of Education

June 21, 2023

X>STUDIO and Project Grand Path Envision Future of Education

Housed within the John G. Russell Leadership building, the IT Innovation and Research X>STUDIO is a coworking space dedicated to the design and development of transformational teaching and learning experiences. As part of this mission, the X>STUDIO is currently facilitating Project Grand Path, a presidential initiative focused on experiential, student-led innovation with immersive technology. With Project Grand Path kicking off in Winter 2023, the team of students, faculty, and staff are now in full swing this summer developing a financial literacy application and a media visualization that explores what the future of education will look like.  

Throughout the design and development of these two projects, teams of students have iteratively developed mock-ups, scripts, and storyboards to arrive at a common vision for innovative educational experiences. For students, this working style has centered on the importance of collaborative problem-solving, communication, and next-generation technical skills - a welcome complement to traditional lecture-based classroom experiences.  

As the X>STUDIO and Project Grand Path look forward to the Fall 2023 semester, new ideas and questions are already bubbling to the surface, including: What will the future of transcripts look like? How will artificial intelligence change the landscape of education? And what is the function of higher education in a technologically advanced society? With these questions driving the teams forward, Project Grand Path and the X>STUDIO remain future-focused and optimistic. 

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Page last modified June 21, 2023