Meet the Senators

Brin DeVries


Brin wearing a grey sweater over a green top and glasses

Public and Nonprofit Administration

Human Rights


College at GVSU
College of Education and Community Innovation

Class Standing
Sophomore (until December)


Current Student Senator, high school student council


- continue serving as a student senator - continue advocating about disability issues on campus - bring more attention to student concerns related to campus plan, accessibility, and disability - share innovative ideas to address real campus problems

Candidate Bio
My name is Brin DeVries. I am a sophomore in the Honors College majoring in Public and Nonprofit Administration with a minor in Human Rights. I am a commuter student who lives in Kentwood. My career goal is to become a Disability Advocate, helping to bring change to the world for people like me. I was born with cerebral palsy and have faced many barriers to everyday life. I want to use these experiences to increase access, inclusion, and accessibility while reshaping systems, environments, and societal structures. I have served on the Student Senate for the last year and enjoyed the opportunity to hear and address student concerns.


Page last modified July 9, 2024