Meet the Senators

Sophie Gemmen


Sophie wearing a black cardigan and a green button up with glasses

Political Science

Kentwood, MI

College at GVSU
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS)

Class Standing


We the People alum and coach, Niemeyer Honors College student, current Student Senator on the Educational Affairs Council


 As a recently appointed senator, I am eager to continue my work representing the student body, making connections, and improving campus.  GVSU offers many academic resources, but there needs to be new ways to ensure those resources reach students, such as increased and centralized advertisement.  I want to help empower and connect students to issues beyond our campus by increasing education, accessibility, and resources regarding the upcoming national election.

Candidate Bio
My name is Sophie Gemmen, and I am currently a freshman in the Honors College studying Writing and Political Science. I was appointed to the Student Senate early this January, and while I was figuring out the ins and outs of the organization, I used my spot on the Educational Affairs Council to work with my co-senators to find ways to increase awareness of academic opportunities. During my senior year of high school, I participated in a civic education competition called We the People. This experience fostered my interest in making a positive difference in our world, and it has prepared me for roles such as Student Senate because of its demand for strong communication, collaboration, and attention to detail. In just my first year on campus, I have learned a lot about what GVSU has to offer, but I am intent on ensuring its resources are more accessible and can reach students through projects like increased and centralized advertisement. In a similar light, I also want to empower students to take action beyond our campus community, especially amid a contentious national election season where our voices are the root of change. I know how important it is to be an active participant in oneýs society, and I want to continue to use my position to amplify studentsý voices, regardless of their major, background, or future. With a position in the Student Senate, I would work diligently to find the true root of issues and create realistic and effective solutions.


Page last modified July 9, 2024