Become a Tutor!

Why Become a Tutor?

Being a tutor has a lot of benefits, but here are just a few! 

  • You will be a better student
    • Tutoring helps you solidify content knowledge
    • It helps you develop strong learning habits
  • Improves communication skills
  • You get to meet new people on campus!
  • Helping people is rewarding
  • We work around your schedule
    • You can update your availability every semester!
  • It looks great on your resume
pablo tutoring

Tutor Eligibility

To be hired as a tutor, you must:

  • Be currently enrolled in at least 6 credit hours at GVSU
  • Have received a B+ or higher in the course(s) that you wish to tutor 
  • Complete tutor application
  • Receive positive faculty recommendation(s). 
  • Commit to tutoring a minimum of 5 hours per week 
  • Be available to tutor for at least 2 semesters
  • Be able to attend required tutor training

We are fully staffed for Fall 2024

The Tutoring and Reading Center, Math Center, and Chemistry Success Centers are staffed for Fall 2024. 

If you are interested in becoming a tutor in the future, please fill out the Tutoring Interest Form below. We will notify you when the application is live again. 

We keep applications on file for 6 months, so if you applied and were not contacted for an interview you may hear from us in the coming months, should a need for tutors in your area arise. 

In the application you will need to submit information for one faculty for a class you wish to tutor so they can complete our short recommendation form. It’s a good idea to ask your professor if they are ok giving you a recommendation before you submit their information. When you submit the application, we will automatically email your professor with the recommendation link.

Have Questions?

Click the image to read our Frequently Asked Questions about becoming a tutor.

If you still have questions, email us at [email protected].

Page last modified July 2, 2024