Resident Assistant Safer Sex Supplies Order Form
All orders for the month must be in by the 5th. Late orders will be filled the following month. Orders will be ready 3-5 business days after the 5th and can be picked up from the Center for Health and Well-being North C room 181.
Each order contains 50 lubricated latex condoms and 20 packets of assorted water-based lube. Packs of female condoms, non-latex, or dental dams can be added on as well, each pack contains 10. We also have Plan B and Opill(oral birth control pills) available.
We are trusting that RAs will properly store the condoms (in a cool, dry place, away from sharp objects, chemicals and out of direct sunlight and out of direct fluorescent lighting). We also trust RAs to maintain confidentiality of all individuals requesting/receiving condoms.
* denotes a required field