Faculty Council (FC)

FC's Charge

  • The FC will serve as a liaison between the CECI faculty and the Dean. The FC shall seek to represent the general interests of the CECI faculty collectively. The FC should represent faculty interests first and foremost.
  • On matters presented to the FC from CECI faculty or the Dean, the FC will review, discuss, and advise the Dean of the consensus of the faculty. FC may also initiate the request of documents from the Dean’s office, including, but not limited to CECI policies and budget, strategic planning, reports, and the organization and function of existing college committees.
  • The FC will create standing and/or ad hoc committees as needed, including faculty forums or town hall meetings.
  • The FC will administer faculty committee elections (both university and college committees). The FC may use appropriate procedures to replace any governance committee member who is consistently absent from meetings upon notification by the chair of the committee.
  • The FC serves as an advocate for faculty in the college. The FC brings attention to issues of concern within the CECI community. Any faculty within the college can contact any FC representative to express concern and trust that they will remain confidential. If the issue is not within the purview of FC, the faculty member will be appropriately referred.
  • The FC will create a regular communication system to inform faculty of various governance committees and other matters impacting faculty of the college (e.g., e-newsletter). Faculty representatives are also responsible for communicating agenda topics with their constituents at least a week prior to any scheduled meetings.
  • The FC will oversee the college and university awards for regular faculty.
  • The FC will solicit annual feedback from faculty regarding topics/issues of concern.

Faculty Council Meetings

Winter 2024 Agenda/Minutes

Friday, January 19 - Agenda  |  Minutes
Friday, February 16 - Agenda  |  Minutes
Friday, March 15 - Agenda  |  Minutes 
Friday, April 12 - Agenda  |  Minutes

Meetings are via Zoom from 9:00-10:30a.m

Fall 2023 Agenda/Minutes

Monday, May 15 Summer Retreat - Minutes
Monday, August 21 - Minutes
Friday, September 15 - Minutes
Friday, October 6 (Full Faculty) - Minutes
Friday, October 13 - Minutes
Friday, November 10 - Minutes
Tuesday, November 14 (Full Faculty) - Minutes
Friday, December 8 - Minutes

Meetings are via Zoom from 9:00-10:30a.m.

Winter 2023 Agenda/Minutes

Friday, January 13 -  Agenda  |  Minutes
Friday, February 10 -  Agenda  |  Minutes
Friday, April 14 -  Agenda  |  Minutes

Faculty Forums

All affiliate, visiting and regular faculty are invited to attend.

Winter 2024

Thursday, February 8 from 9:30-11:00a.m. in 109D DEV - Agenda
Tuesday, March 26 from 9:30-11:00a.m. in 307E DEV - Agenda

Fall 2023

Friday, October 6 - Minutes
Tuesday, November 14 - Minutes

Current Membership



Term Expires


Priscilla Kimboko



[email protected]

 Emily Nichols 



[email protected]

Kathryn Ohle



[email protected]

Terry Stockton

At Large DEI


[email protected]

Karyn Rabourn (Co-Chair)



[email protected]

Elizabeth Stolle (Co-Chair)



[email protected]





Page last modified May 23, 2024