About Us
The Groundswell Stewardship Initiative is a network of schools and partners creating opportunities for hands-on environmental learning for K-12 students in Kent and Ottawa counties in Michigan.
To support and inspire students to care for their place. We do this by providing educators with professional learning opportunities, project funding, and partnerships.
All educators are champions of place-based stewardship education. All students are learning in our local community and are lifelong environmental stewards.
Since our creation, Groundswell has been housed in the Center for Educational Partnerships (CEP) at Grand Valley State University. Groundswell is one of six geographical hubs of the Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative (GLSI).
Our Funders
Groundswell is made possible through the support of GVSU's College of Education and Community Innovation; Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative; Wege Foundation; Baldwin Foundation; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Greater West Michigan MiSTEM Network, Great Lakes Fishery Trust, Michigan's Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, and more.