Resources by Teachers
Resources by Groundswell Teachers
Here are links to lessons and resources created by Groundswell educators.
R.A.I.L. Project (Riparian Area Integrated Learning)
Keith Piccard, Allendale Public Schools
The RAIL Project can be used to teach middle school aged students about ecology and the importance of the water around them. Aquatic macroinvertebrates are such an interesting way to bring a hands-on, inquiry-based, citizen science into the hands of people by letting them sample and then gain insight into concepts and processes that occur within the mysterious world of a stream ecosystem. At the same time, they can contribute authentic data to scientists in the field of stream ecology. As an educator, it is this authentic piece that makes the biggest impact.
Long-Term Monitoring Teacher Protocol
Karina White, Jenison Public Schools
My project goal was to develop a method that is accessible to high school students to examine herbaceous and woody plant species biodiversity in the seeded (north) side of the Grand Ravines Park, and to collect baseline data for long-term monitoring. Additionally, we examined the effect of the plant species biodiversity on the invertebrate community biodiversity. Data collection of both plants and invertebrates also occurred on the unseeded (south) side of the park for comparison.