Adopt a Park, Habitat, or Tree

students digging a hole to plant a tree

Would adopting a park, habitat, or tree benefit your community?

What is it?

Adopting a park, habitat, or tree(s) means working together with the property owner to identify needs and develop potential solutions. This could include picking up litter, removing invasive species or debris, caring for existing gardens, or planting additional trees or native plants. In parks, you also might be able to help with the maintenance of playgrounds or other community areas within the park.

How much would it cost?

  • $50/sign for signage

  • $25 for tree watering bags

  • Disposal costs for trash or vegetation removed

What long-term maintenance is required?

Committing to a long-term partnership and regularly doing the activities you said you would do. Example activities include picking up trash, removing invasive species, watering trees and plants, and weeding.

Who are some potential partners?

How could I determine if the project is successful?

  • Quantify the amount of trash collected or invasive species removed

  • Count the number of new plants or trees

Where can I find more information?

Adopt-a-park programs are created for specific cities and communities. Googling “adopt a park” and the name of your community is a good place to start.


Page last modified July 5, 2024