Crestwood Middle School

Crestwood MS 18-19

Project Description:
Students began the project with a walk around the campus to find an appropriate area for planting a buffer garden. During a day of heavy rain, they went outside to see the run-off first hand. Students realized there were two main areas in need of a buffer garden. The classes then completed soil filtration tests on both areas, and decided an area in the front parking lot would be most suitable for a native plant garden. In May, students removed sod and clay, then spread soil in the area. They created a grid for planting using steaks and string. In June, students and volunteers from Plaster Creek Stewards planted the Michigan native plants.

Fostering Lifelong Stewardship:
Students now appreciate the role native vegetation plays in reducing nonpoint source pollution.

Calvin College - Plaster Creek Stewards



Baldwin Foundation

Showcase Video:

Page last modified October 16, 2019