Revitalization Project Overview

In this unit, students will explore the Grand River Revitalization & Restoration Project. They will look at the economic opportunities associated with the River, and community access to the River. They will then learn about two species impacted by the restoration: the Lake Sturgeon (a desired species) and the Sea Lamprey (an invasive species).
Essential Questions:
How can the proposed Grand River Restoration reduce the impacts of human actions on the Grand River?
Whose voices should be a part in implementing the Grand River Restoration?
What economic benefits will the Grand River Restoration bring to our community?
How does the lifecycle of the sturgeon affect its ability to survive in the Grand River?
What are the potential costs and benefits to Sea Lamprey management with the Grand River Restoration?
These videos and lessons plans were created in partnership with WGVU, the Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds, and Brenda Perry from Kent Innovation High. They were made possible through a grant from the Wege Foundation through the Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative.