Project Description:
Each classroom was provided with a paper recycling bin.
Previously, the school had no paper recycling system, so most of it
was thrown away. Classroom teachers introduced the program with
lessons on taking care of the earth. The long-term goal of this
project is for students to take steps towards increased civic
responsibility and stewardship.
Fostering Lifelong Stewardship:
Students now better understand recycling and items that can and
should be recycled. Students also learned about the recycling system
for paper and how paper can be recycled and created into more paper.
GVSU College of Education
Project Description:
Each week, both 4th grade classrooms had the opportunity to spend
an hour in the school garden. During that time, students collaborated
in small groups to weed a portion of the garden or plant a section
according to specific guidelines (i.e. planting three rows of
radishes, each hole two inches apart and ½ inch deep, and each row
twelve inches apart). There were also visits from Urban Roots, one of
our community partners, who came to work with each class multiple
times to teach them about the science of soil, planting, and how to
use specific garden tools like a rake and garden hoe.
Our students greatly enjoyed this new experience and soaked up
the new knowledge they were given. They grew in grit and collaboration
as they watched the sprouts pop through the soil they had carefully
cultivated and weeded. They took pride and ownership in their garden
and talked about it often with staff and students throughout the
school. Additionally, every student throughout the school became
connected to the garden through our Visual Arts class where garden
signs and rocks were painted.
Our 4th grade teachers also incorporated the garden into their
ELA writing assignments, poetry units, and science curriculum
throughout the school year. The bonding and community that was created
through this project was invaluable. We are very much looking forward
to our celebration at the end of the school year where we can harvest
and eat our produce.
Fostering Lifelong Stewardship:
The Abney Way Garden was used to support positive school culture
and climate by exhibiting "The Abney Way" every time
students were learning in the garden. This was done by helping to
support a positive learning environment that fostered independence,
self-motivation and a drive to become life-long learners. Our Abney
Scholars developed leadership skills, team working strategies, and
grit while being given responsibility for a large project. As
educators, it was a beautiful thing to see our students not only grow
academically but socially and emotionally as well.
Urban Roots, WMEAC
GVSU College of Education
Showcase Video: