50th anniversary
Not 50th Anniversary.
alumni graduation year
When including the graduation years of alumni in sentences, the preferred style is to place commas after the person’s name and after the year (Jane Doe, ’99, now owns her own company.) For multiple graduation years use an & (Jane Doe, ’99 & ’02, said she is glad... or Jane Doe, ’99, ’00 & ’02, said she is glad...).
It is also acceptable to not use the comma after the name and year, based on the user's discretion and personal preference. (Jane Doe ’99 now owns her own company.)
When including the graduation years of alumni in lists, pull quotes, or internal email signatures, use Name ’XX. For example:
Jane Doe ’99
John Doe ’00 & ’01
"I love Grand Valley with all my heart."
- Jane Doe '17
John Doe '16
ABC Department
A closing apostrophe (’), not an opening apostrophe (‘), appears in front of the date. You may need to copy and paste a closing apostrophe from another place in your document to ensure the proper usage.
When using a class year for a current student, use the term "Class of XXXX." For example:
Jane Doe, Class of 2020, is a math major from Allendale, Michigan.
The class year can be established by checking Banner and then confirming with the student.
class year
When using a class year for a current student, use the term "Class of XXXX." For example:
Jane Doe, Class of 2020, is a math major from Allendale, Michigan.
The class year can be established by checking Banner and then confirming with the student.
For alumni graduation year usage, see alumni graduation year.
Use Arabic numerals without st, rd, nd, or th. (The event will take place on May 13, 2011.)
Use Arabic numerals and the $ sign in all cases. ($5, $25, $500, $5,000, $550,000)
Eastern Time/ET
Grand Valley campuses are all on Eastern Time. Do not specify Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Time. (When visiting Grand Valley, remember that the university is on Eastern Time.) May be abbreviated as ET. (The event will take place in California at 10 a.m. (1 p.m. ET).)
fiscal year
Uppercase when followed by a year, no comma (Fiscal Year 2000). Lowercase when used as an adjective (during the fiscal year). Also, FY2000 is acceptable. Not FY00.
Spell out whole numerals below 10 and use Arabic numerals for 10 and above, except with percentages (every 30 minutes; the last 2,000 years; three credits; nine hours at the 300 level; 4 percent). No superscript on ordinal numerals (30th not 30th). Spell out a numeral at the beginning of a sentence, unless the numeral identifies a calendar year (1976 was a very good year.).
Always spell out in sentences, including in bullet points, unless space absolutely does not allow. Use % in charts and graphs.
phone numbers
Put area code in parentheses (616) 331-2221, including toll free numbers (800) 748-0246.
6:30 p.m. or 7 p.m. Not 7:00 or 7pm or 7 PM.
Use a hyphen in a non-continuing year, such as an academic year (2012-2013, not 2012–2013). Use an endash to indicate ranges (1900–1950, not 1900-1950).