IT News

Innovation Corner: IT Participates in ChatGPT Forum

March 13, 2023

Innovation Corner: IT Participates in ChatGPT Forum

Since its release in November of 2022, ChatGPT has garnered a significant amount of public attention. While critics have been quick to note issues related to academic plagiarism, coded biases, and the growing threat of inequality instigated by artificial intelligence, others have lauded the technology for its ability to offload inefficient tasks and promote a culture of self-education. While opinions are varied, it’s clear that the adoption of ChatGPT has become a watershed moment for reconciling the social, political, and economic implications of artificial intelligence. 

In response to this national conversation, the GVSU Office of the Provost dedicated its inaugural Quest Series forum to discussing ChatGPT. Facilitated by Provost Mili, the forum featured a diverse range of panelists, including:

  • Corey Anton, Professor of Communication Studies
  • Patrick Johnson, Director, Meijer Center for Writing
  • Laurence José, Associate Professor of Writing and Director, Digital Studies Minor
  • Jared Moore, Associate Professor of Computing
  • Ben Rapin, Associate Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
  • Miloš Topic, Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Digital Office

The hour-long discussion covered a variety of topics, including how ChatGPT works, how biases can be coded into datasets, and the growing importance of information literacy. While the future of this technology may be exciting and nerve-wracking, it’s good to take heed of Miloš Topic's  concluding remarks as he maintains faith in the collective “human spirit, existence, resistance, and intelligence that we have.” 

Want to learn more?

  • Watch recordings of the GVSU Quest Series here 

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Page last modified March 13, 2023