IT News

Gartner Offers Campus Access to Leading Research

February 19, 2023

Gartner Offers Campus Access to Leading Research

Emerging technology is shaping GVSU and higher education in profound ways. From artificial intelligence to new learning management systems, we have seen new technology alter classroom interactions, administrative operations, and faculty research.  

To stay informed of the latest developments and trends within information technology, GVSU has partnered with Gartner to offer GVSU Campus Access. Gartner is a leading technological research and consulting firm, with over 2,300 analysts and consultants working with executives around the world. The GVSU Campus Access program gives GVSU faculty, staff, and students free access to Gartner resources, including market research reports, webinars, and case studies. These resources will support faculty, staff, and students as they undertake research, class projects, and integrate new classroom technology.  

A sample of topics you can learn about in Gartner Campus Access include: 

  • Enhancing teaching and learning with augmented reality. 

  • The hype cycle of emerging technologies. 

  • New projects utilizing blockchain technology. 

  • The impact of artificial intelligence on products and services. 

We value your feedback! After you’ve had time to explore Gartner Campus Access, please share your feedback on this resource by completing this quick five minute survey. 

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Page last modified February 19, 2023