RecWell Stories


Clint Ivory

"I joined the AORE Campus Challenge and really enjoyed it! I participated in this challenge because it seemed to be a good chance to get outside more and have a little friendly competition. This was definitely the most selfies I have ever taken, which..."

Court Geary

"Staying active & involved on campus keeps me motivated to be a better student, RA, & overall person. I always push myself outside of my comfort zone. With everything GV has to offer, I always find myself growing & learning from all I'm involved..."

Miller Johnson

"Recreation & Wellness has been an amazing way to stay active and make me feel like I'm accomplishing something. Intramural Sports have also allowed me to continue to play sports I love and meet new people through those..."

Rachel Salliotte

"From being scared to enter the gym to wanting to go there everyday, I would say that becoming involved in Recreation & Wellness was one of my best ideas. I started out going to Group Exercise classes because I never knew how to properly work out or..."

Rosalie Galloway

"As an adult returning student, I am so grateful for the support of the Bike Shop to handle my blown out front tube. Joe took care of my bike and got me rolling again before my next class..." 

Thomas Quaine

"I am a firm believer that when it comes to wellness keeping a sound attitude and effort will help accompany any situation life throws at you. I participate in Recreation & Wellness programs, services, and events to help establish a balance in my..."

Shaylee McAuliffe

"I love group exercise classes because I am more motivated when I have a set time for a workout and a group of people to do it with. There is a great variety of options of classes which is awesome because it helps me decide what works best for me each..."

Ashley Brown

"I choose to participate in Campus Recreation, like Group Ex classes, to help relieve stress and stay active. I also played Intramural volleyball to spend time with friends and play a sport I love. Campus Recreation helps me be a better student..."

Emma Merlington

"Campus Rec has helped me feel like I belong to a community within GV that has the same motivations as me. Being physically healthy has helped me succeed in the classroom & improve my mental health. When I feel like I'm doing good on a basic level, I..."

Joy Gianakura

"I find that being involved with Campus Recreation has helped me to meet people from departments I otherwise would not be engaged with. I have gained a new appreciation for getting and staying healthy, and it has helped me with managing stress..."

Page last modified April 6, 2021