
At Grand Valley State University, we recognize that inclusion starts with making sure that everyone feels seen and supported as their authentic selves not just in the classroom but other spaces across the university.  An individual can now display pronouns and self-disclose sexual orientation and gender identity through Banner. Identification of pronouns will reflect on class lists, Zoom meetings, and will be visible to be appropriately used in residence halls, student organizations, and other supportive services. Any other self-disclosure of sexual orientation and/or gender identity will be used for data collection purposes by the division of Inclusion and Equity and the Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center. This data will not be shared in any other areas.


  1. Log into myBanner and select the Personal Information tab and then myProfile. 
  2. You will be directed to another authentication page where you will be prompted to enter your network credentials.
  3. Select Edit on the Personal Details section and enter your pronouns.
  4. You will receive email notifications throughout the request process that information has been changed.


  • Changes are reviewed by professional staff 
    • All reviews of information in myName and myProfile are oriented towards appropriateness not censorship
  • Review is oriented towards data collection to provide culturally and socially relevant interventions and appropriately allocate resources


  • People Finder will automatically use the Students' myProfile and will be reflected within one to two business days. 
  • Please review the list of systems that require manual updating on the What To Expect page


The University reserves the right to remove or deny a myName or myProfile request if used inappropriately. This includes, but is not limited to, names using foul or inappropriate language or misrepresentation of self. 



myProfile will show up on class rosters. An email explaining your name and pronouns to professors or classmates can forestall some awkward conversations. Emails can be particularly useful in communicating to professors that previously knew you by a different name or pronouns. Adapted from a guide written by Ohio University.


  • Statement of the name your faculty member may see on the class roster.
  • State preferred name and pronoun
  • Brief explanation if you would like (“I identify as trans, which means _____ to me.”).
  • Explain how public you wish to be: “I prefer for no one to know about my trans status” or “I would be willing to talk about being trans as it related to class discussion” (depending on class and personal preference).
  • Thank them for being understanding.
  • Say they can email you if they have questions.
  • Provide your contact information.
  • Provide them with relevant websites and the contact information for the Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center and/or the Division of Inclusion and Equity.



Dear Professor ___________,

I am a student in your (insert class name here). I am getting in contact with you to let you know that I identify as (insert identity here). My name will probably show up on your roster as (insert legal name here), but I would prefer to go by (insert chosen name here) and (insert preferred pronouns) pronouns. I will be putting (insert chosen name here) on my assignments and would appreciate it if you called me that in class. If you have any questions for me regarding this, please don’t hesitate to contact me. My email address is (insert email address here) and my phone number is (insert phone number here). You may also wish to contact the Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center (616-331-2530 or [email protected]) if you have further questions.

Thank you very much for your understanding,

(Your name)

**Please note: There are systems where your pronouns will be automatically updated while there are other important places where you will have to update your pronouns manually. Any sexual orientation or gender identity 


Blackboard Ultra now allows a user to add both phonetic spelling and a recording of their name. You can also update your pronouns.


  1. Your pronunciation and pronouns must be manually updated in your Blackboard profile.
  2. Blackboard is GVSU's platform for communicating with students about academics and certain campus-related matters. It is not always compatible or synced with other University systems.
  3. Your pronunciation guide and pronouns will be seen by staff and faculty in academic-related settings, such as course rosters.

View a step-by-step video for updating your Blackboard profile. 


You can now add your pronouns to your profile in Zoom. When you add pronouns to your profile, they are visible to your Zoom contacts as part of your Zoom profile card in the Zoom desktop client and mobile app. You can also choose when or if your pronouns are shown during a meeting that you host or join, or webinar that you are the host or panelist for. Webinar attendees’ pronouns are never visible. Learn how to add and share your pronouns in Zoom.


Direct questions about myProfile should be directed to one of the following: 

Page last modified September 6, 2023