
  1. Purpose: The Commission shall identify issues of concern to women faculty and staff, and together with the Division of Inclusion and Equity, coordinate efforts to improve the campus for them, target specific issues to be addressed and monitor their progress, and report to the Vice President of the Division of Inclusion and Equity. The Commission shall inform and work with the Vice President for Inclusion and Equity, as well as others already active on behalf of women's concerns on campus.
  2. Activities & Meetings:  The commission acknowledges that each year it will hold the Annual Fall Welcome and the Awards Ceremony to be held in the Spring. The Commission shall meet monthly from September to May. Meetings are open to the public and are held in the Kirkhof Center. A Summer Refresher will be held during the Spring/Summer Session to recap the year's successes. 
  3. Leadership Team: The Leadership Team shall meet prior to each regularly scheduled Commission meeting; shall monitor the mission and goals of the Commission; shall review the accomplishments of the various officers and committees; shall ensure that the Commission receives sufficient funding to carry out its mission; shall monitor budget expenditures; and shall review any areas of concern that arise regarding the environment for women at GVSU. The Leadership Team shall also hold one planning meeting in the Spring/Summer semester to determine the goals for the following Academic Year. The Leadership Team will be responsible for updating the Commission Web site, tracking the progress of the Commission, the History of Events, taking the minutes at Commission Meetings, planning and coordinating the Commission Events and disseminating information to all members.
    1. Terms: The terms of the Leadership Team shall be as such: There shall be no more than six members serving on the Leadership Team at a time with a minimum of three members. The team shall consist of a Chair and/or Co-Chair, Treasurer, and the following Chair positions as needed: Administrative, Advocacy, and Events.
    2. Eligibility: To be eligible to serve on the Leadership Team you must provide the current Chair(s) with your statement of interest to be reviewed by the current Leadership Team for available positions.
    3. Length of Service: The Chair and/or Co-Chair must serve for two years at the minimum, with the maximum time served in any position being four consecutive years. When the Co-Chair (or any member of the Leadership Team) decides to no longer serve they must give at least one year's notice (if possible) to implement Member Elect Training. The "elect" member will shadow the current position for one year before taking over the new position.
  4. General Membership: Membership is open to all Faculty and Staff members of the GVSU community. Members are expected to engage in the work of the Commission via subcommittee membership or other contributions.
    1. Liaisons & Representatives: GVSU MI-ACE representatives will participate as general members in the Women’s Commission. The Commission membership must include at least one representative from the Women’s Center and at least one representative from the Inclusion & Equity.
    2. Subcommittees: Committees form as needed to meet the needs of the GVSU community and to help progress the mission of the commission.
  5. Budget: The university administration shall provide the Commission with a budget in order that the Commission may fund educational programming, an annual awards ceremony, and operational expenses of the organization.
  6. Bylaws: Bylaws are subject for review by the Leadership Team and revisions must be reviewed and adopted by the Leadership Team and institutional liaisons and representatives.


Updated and adopted by the GVSU Women’s Commission on June 23, 2016

Page last modified September 15, 2016