International Women's Day
International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.
This year's theme is #AccelerateAction.
Show Your Support!

Save this image to the left and edit it with your message and share your selfie!
Download the pledge cards shown to the right to show your solidarity and encourage others to help forge a more inclusive world for women.

Resources for Children
International Women's Day provides an important opportunity for teachers, parents and caregivers to educate and inspire children and students about gender equality. From celebrating women's achievements to challenging gender stereotypes and bias, educating future generations about gender equality is one of the most grassroots differences anyone can make. There are many useful classroom resources available to support International Women's Day activities. Whether in the classroom or over the dinner table, thank you for reviewing the International Women's Day resources to make a positive difference.
Kindly developed by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts to help forge better understanding about gender, women's equality, and issues that impact the lives of women and girls, the Gender and Women’s Rights Activity Pack addresses three themes through activities designed across three age groups (between 6-11 year; between 12-15 years, and 15 years and above):
- Understanding Gender: exploring gender roles and stereotypes
- Women’s rights are Human Rights: exploring the concept of rights and why they are important
- Gender & Climate Change: exploring how climate change disproportionately affects women and girls
Use the IWD Activity Cards to engage children and students in activities and conversations to inspire and reinforce an inclusive mindset. Cut up, mix up, then lucky dip the options. Invite children and students to add their own IWD activity for friends and/or family. Invite presentations to explain and showcase their efforts and thinking.
Color your world with inspirational women.
Women and girls are diverse - and women and girls can be who, and what, they want to be. Who is a woman who inspires you - and why? Choose an inspirational woman or motivational quote from below and get coloring! Use the moment to reflect upon and discuss the qualities and strengths you admire in women. Their paths have not been easy. Discuss why.
Select an inspirational quote and use the moment to discuss why such quotes are motivational, but also to explore and reflect upon why for some women and girls around the world, positive affirmations alone certainly aren't enough to fix things.