Conscious Conversations
Upcoming Conversation Topics
The GVSU Women's Commission looks forward to the return of our Conscious Conversations series which began in 2014 as an effort to engage women faculty and staff from across campus in facilitated but informal conversation around timely topics of interest. Bring your lunch and join us via Zoom.
Conversation Best Practices
Conscious Conversations, launched in 2014, provides women across campus with a space for facilitated yet informal discussions on topics of shared relevance and those related to women and gender equity. These Conversations serve multiple purposes: fostering community connections or sparking significant advocacy efforts, such as the most recent Family Leave Task Force. The Conversations offer a casual interactive environment for discussion with no formal presentation or agenda. They also offer a flexible, low-commitment way to engage with the Commission - whether by leading a relaxed discussion on a specific topic or simply listening in and sharing thoughts as part of the discussion.
Guidelines for a Conscious Conversation:
- Be present.
- Fully listen, meaning to hear what another is saying, not just in anticipation of your response.
- Honor each other’s humanness and the input they provide to the discussion.
- Allow space for honest expression for the purpose of understanding.
- Leave assumptions and agendas at the door in order to keep an open mind and the potential to learn something through the experience of another.
- Asking questions at an appropriate time for clarification or to deepen insights.
- Practice long pauses between questions and answers to allow for deep thinking and the conversation to evolve more organically.
- Take care of yourself, for how you are feeling about the topic or if your involvement led to an outcomes that requires attention.
Suggestions for topics are always welcome. If you have passion for a topic that you would like to crowdsource from among the Women's Commission community, please submit it to us by email!
Previous Conversation Topics
Restorative Practices
Expecting Better: Establishing Family Friendly Workplaces
Race and Gender in Orange is the New Black
Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Raising Smart, Confident, Independent Girls in the Princess Culture
Moving Beyond the B-Word: Bold, Blunt, Bossy Women in the Workplace
We're Our Own Worst Enemies: Judgment and Competition Among Women
International Advocacy and Experiences of GVSU Women