University Band

University Band (MUS 121); Winter semester only
PAC 1515

In keeping with the great tradition of university bands, the GVSU University Band performs quality standard band literature. Designed specifically for the non-major, the University Band meets during the winter semester only and is open to all students. No audition is required for participation in this band, but there is an audition for chair placement. The University Band presents a concert at the end of the semester. All GVSU students are encouraged to continue music-making in this musically rewarding environment. 

University Chair Placement Auditions

Please bring your chair placement audition music with to the audition.

Sign Up List: Posted on Bulletin Board in foyer outside of the Band Room (room 1515, Haas Center for Performing Arts)

Chair Placement Audition Time:

  • Sunday, January 5: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
  • Monday, January 6: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
  • Tuesday, January 7: 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Location: Room 1211 (Haas Center for Performing Arts)

Results: Will be posted at 5:30pm on January 7, 2025 on the University Band bulletin board

First Rehearsal is Tuesday, January 7, 2025 from 6:00-7:50pm in the Band Room (room 1515, Haas Center for Performing Arts)

University Band Chair Placement Audition Music

1) Prepare all music between the brackets on each page (3 pages).

2) Tempos for each excerpt are specified for each excerpt. 

3) Please bring your chair placement audition music with to the audition.

Flute/Piccolo Oboe Bassoon

Clarinet Bass Clarinet

Alto, Tenor, and Baritone Saxophone

Horn Trumpet 1 Trumpet 2

Trombone 1 Trombone 2

Bass Baritone Treble Baritone

Tuba Percussion


Rehearsals and Information

  • First Meeting of University Band:
    • University Band will rehearse (with instruments) on Tuesday, January 7 at 6:00pm in the band room (Haas Center For Performing Arts, room 1515).
    • Folders will be issued at the first rehearsal. 
  • GVSU Owned instruments can be checked out (free of charge) by e-mailing Sean Schafianski ([email protected]).


Page last modified December 16, 2024