President/Vice President Candidates 2025
Name | Seat | Ticket | Major(s) | Action |
Ty T. Vanlerberghe | Vice President | Jackson-Vanlerberghe | Advertising and Public Relations | View |
Richard T. Dolnik | Vice President | Eshleman-Dolnik | Spanish, Education | View |
Michael J. Eshleman | President | Eshleman-Dolnik | Biomedical Sciences | View |
Evan M. Jackson | President | Jackson-Vanlerberghe | Economics, Finance | View |
General Senator Candidates 2025
I am eager to continue my work on the Public Relations Committee, communicating what Student Senate is and what it can do for students. I have a passion for effectively bridging the communication gap between people and their representatives. I plan to implement new practices to better inform students about campus issues and to more directly connect students to their student representatives to facilitate growth and positive change.
My name is Sophie Gemmen, and I am currently a sophomore studying political science with minors in writing, statistics, and communications. I am finishing my third semester on Student Senate as a senator on the Public Relations and Allocations Committees, and I am eager to continue my work in the 20252026 term. For at least nine months out of the year, GVSU is our home no matter who you are, where you're from, where you're living, or how long you're here and as a student senator, I find that it is my job to ensure that this campus is a place where every student feels connected and can find support and enjoyment within our community. As a senator serving on the Public Relations Committee, I have the distinct honor to act as a bridge between students, student senators, and the University in the work to positively shape our campus. I have worked to interact with students while tabling for events like Senate elections and the Teach-In in Kirkhof, to create compelling posts for social media, and to support Senate outreach initiatives to increase the body's connection to students. I also sit on the University Writing Skills Committee to provide students perspective on SWS-course issues as discussed by faculty. In my next term, I hope to implement new practices to better inform students about Student Senate and what we can do for you, and I hope to help connect my fellow senators on the Policy, Advocacy, and Events Committees about what you want from the body. Community derives its strength from its participants, and I aim to use my position to empower students as you work towards your academic, extracurricular, and future goals. Ultimately, I want to amplify your voice and make effective connections to continually improve campus and your college experiences.