President/Vice President Candidates 2025

Name Seat Ticket Major(s) Action
Ty T. Vanlerberghe Vice President Jackson-Vanlerberghe Advertising and Public Relations View
Richard T. Dolnik Vice President Eshleman-Dolnik Spanish, Education View
Michael J. Eshleman President Eshleman-Dolnik Biomedical Sciences View
Evan M. Jackson President Jackson-Vanlerberghe Economics, Finance View

General Senator Candidates 2025

Sarah Buchanan



Sarah Buchanan

Class Standing (for Fall 2025)

College at GVSU
College of Education and Community Innovation

Social Work


Dorr, MI

Bachelors of Social Work Student Organization, Euchre Club, Student Government President in high school


I am running for SS to be a voice for those who need it, I want to find ways to make GV more affordable and accessible to students of all walks of life, I also want to increase visibility to all the resources GV has as many are very useful but not well known

Candidate Bio

I am Sarah Buchanan, a junior at Grand Valley State University. I am majoring in Social Work with a minor in Psychology. During my time on Student Senate, I have acted on the Advocacy committee and on the Allocations committee. On the Advocacy committee, I serve as a liaison with the Milton Ford LGBT Resource Center, working with them to bring awareness to the resources they provide and making sure all students can access the resources they need. I also work with the University Counseling Center where I volunteered for their Mental Health Screening Day, encouraging students to be aware of their mental health and teaching ways to maintain a healthy mental space while managing the stresses of college. On the Allocations committee, I have helped fund many student organization events, such as the Alzheimers Awareness walk, contributing to a vibrant and active campus life. Outside of Senate, I am involved in the Bachelors of Social Work Student Organization, participating in trainings to become a better advocate for others. I am running for Senate to be a voice for the students and advocate on behalf of those in need. I want to help all students flourish at Grand Valley by creating an inclusive and supportive environment. I also want to address rising costs and work eliminate financial barriers that may stand in the way of success. As an aspiring social worker, I strive to improve the lives of others in any way I can and that it what I intend to do on Senate. I am driven, hardworking, and dedicated to the cause of improving the campus life at Grand Valley State University.


Page last modified March 8, 2025