Upcoming Online & Hybrid Courses

The hybrid and fully online courses and degree programs offered this academic year can be found in the listings below for undergraduate and graduate students. For a fuller description of these courses and programs, please visit gvsu.edu/catalog/.


AAA 200 - Understanding Africa
AAA 201 - Intro African American Studies
AAA 380 - Special Topics in AAA
ACC 212 - Prin of Financial Acct
ACC 213 - Prin of Managerial Acct
ACC 240 - Financial Acct Applications
ACC 310 - Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 311 - Intermediate Accounting II
ACC 317 - Individual Income Taxation
ACC 321 - Cost Strategy & Decisions
ACC 333 - Corp Gov and Accounting Ethics
ACC 340 - Accounting Systems
ACC 380 - Special Topics in Accounting
ACC 408 - Govt & NonProfit Acctng
ACC 413 - Internal Auditing
ACC 414 - External Auditing
ACC 480 - Special Topics in Accounting
ACC 508 - Govt & NonProfit Acctng
ACC 513 - Internal Auditing
ACC 514 - External Auditing
ACC 580 - Special Topics in Accounting
ACC 607 - Ethics for Accountants
ACC 612 - Acct Legal Environment
ACC 613 - Financial Statement Analysis
ACC 615 - Entity Taxation
ACC 616 - Financial Accounting Systems
ACC 617 - International Accounting
ACC 618 - Advanced Accounting
ACC 620 - Accounting Theory
ACC 622 - Tax Research and Writing
ACC 627 - Estate, Gift, and Trust I
ACC 629 - Partnership Taxation
AFN 281 - Advocacy in Food and Nutrition
AFN 300 - Food Protection Management
AFN 401 - Emerging Issues Food Nutrition
AFN 405 - Applied Med Nutr Ther II
AFN 410 - Nutrit Care Delivery
AFN 417 - Food Service Practicum
AFN 419 - Clinical Nutrition Practium
AFN 495 - AFN Capstone
AHS 100 - Medical Terminology
AHS 110 - Introduction to Health Care
AHS 301 - Intro to Health Care Research
AHS 321 - Ethics & Legal Responsibility
AHS 340 - Health Care Management
AHS 490 - Health Care Internship
AHS 495 - Issues in Health Professions
AHS 499 - Independent Study
ANT 204 - Cultural Anthropology
ANT 206 - Human Origins
ANT 207 - Language and Culture
ANT 215 - Origins of Civilization
ANT 315 - Comparative Religions
ANT 320 - Culture and Disease
ANT 340 - Culture and Environment
ARA 102 - Elementary Arabic II
ARA 202 - Intermediate Arabic II
ARA 380 - Special Topics in Arabic
ART 101 - Introduction to Art
ART 209 - Graphic Design Basics
ART 221 - Survey of Art History I
ART 222 - Survey of Art History II
ART 231 - Integ Visual Arts Across Disc
ART 335 - Digital Creativity
ATH 217 - Principles of Athletic Trng
ATH 510 - Foundational Concepts in AT
ATH 689 - Professional Topics in AT
ATH 693 - Project in Athletic Training


BAS 301 - Learning Integration
BAS 495 - Senior Seminar in Applied Sci
BIO 105 - Environmental Science
BIO 120 - General Biology I
BIO 121 - General Biology II
BIO 243 - Plant Ident and Nat History
BIO 309 - Plants and Human Health
BIO 328 - Biomedical Ethics
BIO 355 - Human Genetics
BIO 375 - Genetics
BIO 380 - Special Topics in Biology
BIO 415 - Fire Ecology and Management
BIO 495 - Evolutionary Biology
BIO 515 - Fire Ecology and Management
BMS 100 - Human Health and Disease
BMS 105 - Basic Nutrition
BMS 202 - Anatomy and Physiology
BMS 208 - Human Anatomy
BMS 212 - Introductory Microbiology
BMS 223 - Public Health Concepts
BMS 250 - Anatomy and Physiology I
BMS 251 - Anatomy & Physiology II
BMS 290 - Human Physiology
BMS 301 - Intro to Research in BMS
BMS 304 - Community Nutrition
BMS 305 - Clinical Nutrition
BMS 310 - Basic Pathophysiology
BMS 311 - Pharmaco Aspects of Biomed
BMS 495 - Concepts in Wellness
BUS 101 - Introduction to Business
BUS 201 - Legal Environment for Business
BUS 470 - Applied Business Solutions


CAP 105 - Technology in PR & Advertising
CAP 115 - Research Basics
CAP 210 - Fundamentals of Advertising
CAP 220 - Fund of Public Relations
CAP 315 - Advertising Copywriting
CAP 320 - Pbl Relations Mgmt & Cases
CAP 325 - Ad and PR Ethics and Law
CD 510 - Nutritional Assessment
CD 600 - Adv Medical Nutrit Therapy I
CD 610 - Adv Medical Nutrit Therapy II
CD 630 - Supervised Prac Comm Nutr II
CD 640 - Supervised Prac Clin Nutr II
CD 650 - Supv Pract Area Specialization
CD 689 - Seminar in Clin Diet
CD 690 - Research Method Clin Diet
CD 693 - Master's Project
CD 695 - Thesis Research in CD
CHI 380 - Special Topics in Chinese
CIS 150 - Introduction to Computing
CIS 160 - Programming with Visual Basic
CIS 162 - Computer Science I
CIS 231 - Problem Solving Spreadsheets
CIS 237 - Intro to Network Management
CIS 238 - Internet Media and Programming
CIS 241 - System-Level Prog & Utils
CIS 263 - Data Structures and Algorithms
CIS 320 - Visualization of Data and Info
CIS 331 - Data Analysis Tools and Tech
CIS 339 - Project Planning
CIS 349 - Agile Project Management
CIS 350 - Intro Software Egr
CIS 358 - Information Assurance
CIS 452 - Operating Systems Concepts
CIS 457 - Data Communications
CIS 500 - Fundamentals of CS
CIS 511 - Networking Fundamentals
CIS 615 - Info. Security Principles
CIS 617 - Digital Forensics
CIS 635 - Knowledge Disc & Data Mining
CIS 655 - Cloud Applications Development
CIS 657 - Mobile Application Development
CIS 660 - Info Management and Science
CIS 661 - Intro Health & Bioinformatics
CIS 671 - Information Visualization
CIS 673 - Principles of Database Design
CIS 679 - Advances in DB Management
CIS 692 - Master's Capstone
CIS 693 - Master's Project
CIS 699 - Dir Readings in Computer Sci
CJ 100 - Careers in Criminal Justice
CJ 101 - Justice and Society
CJ 201 - Criminology
CJ 282 - Culture, Crime and Justice
CJ 300 - Research Methods
CJ 305 - Constitutnl Rights & Civil Lib
CJ 311 - Criminal Investigation
CJ 312 - Police Process
CJ 315 - Principles of Security
CJ 320 - Crimes Against Women
CJ 325 - CJ and Human Rights
CJ 330 - Correctional Process
CJ 335 - Digital Crime, Media, Culture
CJ 340 - Courts Process
CJ 350 - Juvenile Justice Process
CJ 355 - Youth Culture and Crime
CJ 365 - Education and Juv Justice Syst
CJ 370 - Environmental Crime & Justice
CJ 380 - Special Topics
CJ 400 - Qualitative Methods
CJ 405 - Terrorism
CJ 442 - Victimology
CJ 490 - Criminal Justice Internship
CJ 491 - Field Internship Seminar
CJ 495 - Issues in Criminal Justice
CJ 606 - Research Meth & Data Anal
CJ 643 - Crime Victim Advocacy & Serv
CJ 644 - Forensic Behavior and Law
CJ 650 - Master's Capstone Crim Justice
CJ 680 - Special Topics
CLA 101 - Greek and Roman Mythology
CMB 140 - Living foods: Fermentation
CMB 150 - Biotechnology and Society
CMB 155 - Introduction to CMB
CMB 411 - Genetics of Develop & Cancer
CMB 451 - Bioinformatics for Life Sci
CMB 452 - Modeling of Biomolecules
CMB 551 - Bioinformatics for Life Sci.
CMB 552 - Modeling of Biomolecules
COM 201 - Speech
COM 209 - Health Communication Systems
COM 215 - Story Making
COM 275 - FNDs of COM Research
COM 295 - Communication Theory
COM 375 - Communication Research
COM 378 - Intercultural Communication
COM 438 - Communication Ethics
COM 495 - Issues in Communication
COM 680 - Special Topics


DAN 200 - Introduction to Dance
DS 202 - Digital Data and Design
DS 335 - Digital Crime, Media, Culture
DS 360 - Ethics of Digital Culture
DS 495 - Digital Studies Capstone


EAS 201 - East Asia in Contemp World
EAS 351 - Asian American Experiences
ECO 210 - Introductory Macroeconomics
ECO 211 - Introductory Microeconomics
ECO 300 - Data Analytics for Econ
ECO 313 - Business Cycles and Growth
ECO 330 - Sports Economics
ECO 349 - Emerging Markets Issues
ECO 369 - International Economic Issues
ECO 385 - Economic Geography of the US
ECO 414 - Money and Banking
ECO 490 - Economics Internship
ECO 499 - Independent Study and Research
EDC 621 - Profession of School Counsel
EDC 623 - Pers/Soc Develop Child in Schl
EDC 625 - Academic Development
EDC 627 - Antiracist School Counseling
EDC 649 - Career Guidance
EDC 651 - Sch Cnsl Curr Tech
EDC 685 - Practicum/Intern Schl Counsel
EDC 693 - Master's Project
EDF 260 - Research and Assessment
EDF 315 - Diverse Persp. on Education
EDF 365 - Education and Juv Justice Syst
EDF 495 - Education Capstone
EDF 653 - School Learning
EDF 660 - Educational Inquiry/Evaluation
EDF 671 - Educational Policy & Practice
EDF 672 - Social/Cultural Foundations
EDH 650 - Mat & Method for Adul & CE
EDH 654 - Student Affairs & Law
EDH 656 - Org & Admin in Higher Ed
EDH 657 - The Community College
EDH 680 - Special Topics
EDH 685 - Practicum I
EDH 686 - CSAL Practicum/Grad Field Exp
EDH 699 - Independent Study
EDI 211 - Observation and Documentation
EDI 213 - Supporting I/T Development
EDI 216 - Emergent Literacy
EDI 310 - Blding Pos Lrning Environments
EDI 312 - Child Guidance and Class Mgmt
EDI 317 - Collab w Families and Prof
EDI 320 - Teaching Internationally
EDI 339 - Assessment in Second Schools
EDI 380 - Special Topics
EDI 399 - Special Topics in Education
EDI 470 - Directed Teaching in ECE
EDI 499 - Independent Study
EDI 612 - Curr Dev for Early Child Ed
EDI 614 - Supporting Infant Toddler Dev
EDI 616 - Child Guidance
EDI 617 - Re-Envisioning Early Childhood
EDI 630 - Teaching Mathematics: PK-6
EDI 631 - Teaching Science: PK-6
EDI 633 - Tchng Social Studies/Diversity
EDI 635 - Dvlpmnt and Needs of Students
EDI 636 - Instruction:Middle & High Schl
EDI 637 - Assessment: K-12 Models
EDI 638 - Facilitating Schl Environment
EDI 639 - Curriculum Development
EDI 640 - Fundamentals of Talent Develop
EDI 680 - Special Topics
EDI 685 - Graduate Field Experience
EDI 693 - Master's Project
EDI 695 - Master's Thesis
EDI 696 - Cont. Master's Thesis/Project
EDI 699 - Independent Study
EDL 665 - Educational Leadership
EDL 666 - Curriculum Leadership
EDL 667 - Elem Supervision and Eval
EDL 668 - Personnel Administration
EDL 670 - School Law
EDL 671 - Secondary Supervision and Eval
EDL 677 - School and Community Relations
EDL 693 - Master's Project
EDL 700 - Educational Ldrshp & Change
EDL 715 - Data-Based Dec-Making & Tech
EDL 725 - Education Law, Policy, & Prac
EDL 740 - The Superintendency
EDL 742 - School Board Relations
EDL 744 - Edu Finance & Eco Issues
EDR 317 - Class-conscious
EDR 320 - Reading: Assessment & Instruct
EDR 321 - Content Area Literacy
EDR 323 - Teach Lang & Lit Learn Diff
EDR 620 - ESL Methodologies
EDR 621 - Foundations of Literacy
EDR 624 - Literature for Children
EDR 625 - Literature for Adolescents
EDR 626 - Field-based Literacy Assessmnt
EDR 628 - Curr & Materials for Lang Arts
EDR 631 - Writing, Teaching, Learning
EDR 632 - Lit & Lang Interventions
EDR 635 - Sociolinguistics
EDR 636 - Bilingualism & Biliteracy Devl
EDR 637 - Assessment of English Learners
EDR 685 - Literacy Instruction Practicum
EDR 689 - Prof Development & Leadership
EDR 693 - Master's Project
EDR 695 - Research Applications: Reading
EDR 696 - Program Development & Admin
EDS 205 - SE Polici, Procedure, Practice
EDS 214 - Intro to SpEd, BK
EDS 318 - Tchng Students w Difficulties
EDS 323 - Teach Lang & Lit Learn Diff
EDS 379 - Univ. Dsgn for Lrng: Scdry
EDS 399 - Independent Study
EDS 406 - PBIS in Spec Education
EDS 418 - Instruction Practice Stud w/CI
EDS 420 - Instruct Practices Stud w/EI
EDS 499 - Independent Study
EDS 610 - Positive Behavior Supports
EDS 615 - Ed Assess & Intervention ASD
EDS 616 - Educational Interventions ASD2
EDS 619 - Ed Interventions Mild CI
EDS 620 - Ed Interventions Severe CI
EDS 622 - Assessment for Place/ Prog:CI
EDS 623 - Collaboration in Special Edu
EDS 625 - Inclusive Practices
EDS 627 - Instructional Practices: Tech
EDS 629 - Transition Practices
EDS 636 - Diag & Interpret Procedure
EDS 637 - Instructional Practices: LD 1
EDS 646 - Family / Comm Coll in ECE
EDS 647 - Inclusion & Intervention in EC
EDS 652 - Foundations of Spec Ed
EDS 685 - Graduate Field Experience
EDS 693 - Master's Project
EDS 695 - Master's Thesis
EDS 696 - Cont. Master's Thesis/Project
EDS 699 - Directed Readings
EDT 312 - Children and Technology
EDT 370 - Technology in Education
EDT 476 - Teaching with Technology
EDT 619 - Introduction to LDT
EDT 621 - Emerging Learning Technologies
EDT 626 - Assess/Eval with Ed Technology
EDT 627 - Tech Integration for Secondary
EDT 629 - Online Instrct Design/Develop
EDT 693 - Master's Project
EDT 695 - Master's Thesis
EDT 696 - Cont. Master's Thesis/Project
EGR 111 - Intro EGR Graphics
EGR 113 - Introduction to CAD/CAM
EGR 290 - Engineering Co-op 1
EGR 302 - Egr Decision-Making in Society
EGR 390 - Engineering Co-op 2
EGR 406 - Renewable Energy Systems
EGR 440 - Introduction to Production
EGR 485 - Senior Engineering Project I
EGR 602 - Engineering and Society
EGR 696 - Masters Thesis Research
EGR 699 - Independent Study in Egr
ENG 115 - Intro Science Fiction
ENG 204 - World Mythology
ENG 261 - Foundations of Language Study
ENG 331 - Comics and Graphic Novels
ENG 334 - Am Multic Lit for Child & YA
ENG 335 - Lit of American Minorities
ENG 401 - Languages/Literacies/Cultures
ENS 183 - Sustainability as a Lifestyle
ENS 201 - Intro to Env and Sust Studies
ENS 300 - Principles of Sustainability
ENS 301 - ENS Methods
ENS 302 - Environmental Justice
ENS 303 - Intro US Environmental Policy
ENS 305 - Assessment and Reporting
ENS 311 - Honey Bees and Social Impact
ENS 380 - Special Topics in ENS
ENS 392 - Sustainable Agriculture
ENS 401 - Environmental Problem Solving
ENS 412 - Global Environmental Change
EXS 195 - Intro to Exercise Science
EXS 209 - Res Methods Exerc & Health Sci
EXS 220 - Exercise Instruct & Leadership
EXS 320 - Exer Testing and Prescription
EXS 390 - Fieldwork in Exercise Science
EXS 470 - Exercise Special Population
EXS 495 - Professionalism in Exercise Sc


FIN 180 - Special Topics in Finance
FIN 221 - Personal Finance
FIN 300 - Fundamentals of Finance
FIN 320 - Managerial Finance
FIN 321 - Investments
FIN 322 - Intermed Managerial Finance
FIN 330 - Ethics in Finance
FIN 331 - Risk and Insurance
FIN 350 - Real Estate Principles
FIN 420 - Bank Management
FIN 422 - Advanced Managerial Finance
FIN 428 - Security Analysis & Portfl Mgt
FIN 438 - Portfolio Management II
FIN 480 - Special Topics in Finance
FIN 490 - Finance Internship
FIN 499 - Independent Research
FIN 699 - Independent Study
FIT 101 - Pilates
FIT 109 - Yoga
FIT 112 - Core Strength
FIT 114 - Fitness Walking
FIT 126 - Cond & Flex Beginning
FIT 200 - Physical Activity for Wellness
FIT 280 - Special Topics in Fitness


GEO 100 - Environmental Geology
GEO 103 - Oceans
GEO 105 - Living with the Great Lakes
GEO 111 - Exploring the Earth
GEO 180 - Selected Topics
GEO 480 - Selected Topics
GEO 580 - Special Topics
GPY 100 - Physical Geography
GPY 101 - Sustainability and Place
GPY 111 - Cities, Towns, and Villages
GPY 112 - Global Climate Crisis
GPY 235 - Geography for a Changing World
GPY 307 - Intro to Computer Map & GIS
GPY 312 - City and Reg. Environ Plann.
GPY 324 - Urbanization
GPY 345 - Geog of Michigan/Great Lakes
GPY 365 - Business GIS
GPY 380 - Special Topics in Geography
GPY 385 - GIS in Urban-Regional Analysis
GPY 407 - Advanced GIS
GPY 412 - Global Environmental Change
GSI 201 - Introduction to Global Studies
GSI 215 - Global Migration


HIM 302 - Health Care Law
HIM 361 - Disease Classification Sys I
HIM 362 - Disease Classification Sys II
HIM 364 - Financial Reimbursement
HIM 365 - Quality Mgmt in Health Care
HIM 366 - Health Information Data System
HIM 402 - Health Information Mgmt Review
HNR 280 - Honors Special Topics
HNR 300 - Classical Mythology
HNR 350 - Integrative Seminar
HNR 351 - Honors Integrative Seminar/QL
HNR 401 - Senior Project Proposal
HNR 499 - Honors Senior Project
HPE 207 - Personal Health and Wellness
HPE 220 - Teaching Net/Wall/Target
HPE 260 - Teaching Outdoor Pursuits
HPE 267 - Health and Movement Education
HPE 272 - Teaching Reproductive Health
HPE 307 - Teaching Secondary PE
HPE 401 - Professionalism in Health/PE
HRG 526 - Neurophysiologic Measures II
HRG 607 - Radio Imaging & Pharm for Aud
HRG 629 - Clin Decision Making in Aud
HRG 670 - Audiology Practicum
HRG 690 - Research Prep in Audiology
HRG 760 - Special Topics in Audiology
HRG 770 - Audiology Internship
HRT 105 - Intro to Human Rights
HRT 319 - Human Traffic & Trafficking
HSC 201 - The Scientific Revolution
HST 101 - World Civilizations
HST 102 - European Civilizations
HST 103 - American Civilizations
HST 203 - World History to 1500 A.D.
HST 204 - World History since 1500
HST 205 - American History to 1877
HST 206 - American History since 1877
HST 212 - Early Indian Civilization
HST 230 - Latin America in World History
HST 303 - Era of Sectional Conflict
HST 319 - Human Traffic & Trafficking
HST 322 - American Identity and Sports
HST 342 - Buddhism, East Asian Religions
HST 370 - Hst of Medicine and Health
HST 376 - History of Witch Hunts
HST 390 - Soviet History
HTM 101 - Intro to HTM
HTM 117 - Customer Satisfaction in Hosp
HTM 175 - Intl Food and Culture
HTM 202 - International Tourism
HTM 217 - Cannabis and Culture
HTM 235 - Tourism & Comm Rec Systms
HTM 242 - Cannabis Regulations & Tourism
HTM 250 - Food Production & Kitchen Mgmt
HTM 281 - Disney College Program I
HTM 282 - Disney College Program II
HTM 290 - HTM Field Experience I
HTM 317 - Responsible Cannabis Operation
HTM 318 - Responsible Beverage Mgt
HTM 340 - Event Sustainability
HTM 343 - Human Resource Management
HTM 360 - Corporate Social Responsbility
HTM 361 - Hospitality Law and Legis
HTM 368 - Ecotourism
HTM 375 - Hospitality & Tourism Research
HTM 390 - Field Experience II
HTM 399 - Independent Study
HTM 402 - Tourism Policy Issues
HTM 413 - Advanced Food & Bev Mgmt
HTM 422 - Advanced Lodging Management
HTM 440 - Advanced Meeting & Event Mgmt
HTM 452 - Hospitality Marketing
HTM 490 - Senior Internship
HTM 495 - Hospitality Management


IDS 105 - Mindfulness: College Success
IDS 180 - Special Topics Interdisciplina
IDS 205 - Leadership and Character
IDS 380 - Special Topics in IS
INT 100 - Reflect, Connect, Engage
INT 201 - Diversity in the United States
INT 301 - IDS Research Methods
INT 310 - Creativity and Problem-Solving
INT 312 - Collaborative Communication
INT 314 - Life Journeys
INT 319 - Human Traffic & Trafficking
INT 322 - Wicked Problems of Sustain
INT 323 - Design Thinking
INT 331 - Person and Profession
INT 341 - Leadership for Social Change
INT 342 - Food Matters
INT 366 - Am Soc & Media
INT 400 - Global Visionary Leadership
INT 401 - American Visionary Leadership
INT 495 - Senior Seminar (Capstone)
IPE 407 - Integrated Team Health Care
IPE 507 - Integrated Team Health Care
ITA 299 - Independent Study
ITC 100 - Intro Intercultural Competence


JBM 290 - Media History
JPN 180 - Special Topics in Japanese
JPN 202 - Int. Japanese II: Lang/Culture


LAS 210 - Exploring Latin America
LS 101 - Law in our Lives
LS 224 - Legal Research
LS 320 - Property and Probate Law
LS 322 - Commercial Law
LS 490 - Legal Studies Internship


MBA 601 - Quant Analysis Bus Decisions
MBA 610 - MIS & Business Intelligence
MBA 611 - Accounting for Managers
MBA 631 - Leading People and Orgs
MBA 641 - Applied Business Economics
MBA 651 - Marketing for Professionals
MBA 674 - Self-Awareness and Leadership
MBA 675 - Legal Environment for Business
MBA 676 - Leading People and Teams
MBA 677 - Advanced Leadership and Ethics
MBA 678 - Leadership and Ethics
MBA 679 - Effective Leadership
MBA 681 - Strategic Mindset
MBA 683 - Strategy and Global
MBA 684 - Professional Consulting & Comm
MES 201 - Intro to the Middle East
MGT 268 - Business Processes and MIS
MGT 300 - Fundamentals of MGT
MGT 330 - Entre and Small Bus Mgmt
MGT 331 - Concepts of Management
MGT 333 - Human Resource Management
MGT 340 - Bus, Social Chg & Ethics
MGT 345 - Team Building
MGT 351 - Enterprise Inf Systems
MGT 355 - The Diversified Workforce
MGT 363 - Managing Quality
MGT 366 - Operations Management
MGT 371 - Systems Analyses and Design
MGT 437 - Family Business
MGT 467 - Adv Ops & Supl Chain Mgmt
MGT 495 - Administrative Policy
MKT 300 - Fundamentals of Marketing
MKT 350 - Marketing Management
MKT 351 - Consumer Behavior
MKT 352 - Marketing Research
MKT 353 - Marketing Negotiations
MKT 354 - Dist Inst and Logistics
MKT 356 - Professional Selling
MKT 359 - Multinational Marketing
MKT 360 - Marketing on the Internet
MKT 361 - Sports Marketing
MKT 365 - Business GIS
MKT 370 - New Product Development
MKT 451 - Marketing Strategy
MKT 457 - Logistics and Transportation
MKT 490 - Marketing Internship
MKT 499 - Independent Research
MKT 699 - Independent Study
MLL 180 - Special Topics in MLL
MLL 380 - Special Topics in MLL
MLS 350 - Management for Lab Science
MLS 495 - Issues in Medical Lab Science
MOV 101 - Foundations of Ped/Sport
MOV 102 - First Aid, CPR and AED
MOV 201 - Psychosocial Ped and Sport
MOV 300 - Kinesiology
MOV 304 - Intro to Exercise Physiology
MOV 310 - Motor Skill Development
MOV 350 - The Obesogenic Environment
MTH 110 - Algebra
MTH 122 - College Algebra
MTH 123 - Trigonometry
MTH 124 - Functions and Models
MTH 201 - Calculus I
MTH 203 - Calculus III
MTH 225 - Discrete Structures: CS 1
MTH 325 - Discrete Structures: CS 2
MTH 399 - Independent Readings
MTH 428 - Teaching Math in Elem Grades
MUS 100 - Intro to Music Lit
MUS 128 - Strum and Drum for Everyone
MUS 218 - World Music
MUS 219 - Jazz History
MUS 255 - High Brass
MUS 300 - Exploring American Music
MUS 301 - History of Rock and Roll
MUS 306 - Music after 1900


NRM 300 - Ethical Rec: Leave No Trace
NRM 380 - Special Topics in NRM
NRM 406 - Renewable Energy Systems
NRM 415 - Fire Ecology and Management
NRM 420 - Wildland Recreation Mgmt
NRM 515 - Fire Ecology Management
NRM 520 - Wildland Recreation Mgmt
NUR 265 - Nursing Research & Evidence
NUR 266 - Professional Nursing I
NUR 311 - Dimensions of Nursing Practice
NUR 312 - Professional Nursing Issues
NUR 322 - Found for Health Assess & Prom
NUR 324 - Intro to Prof Nursing Theory
NUR 328 - Clin Pharm for Nursing
NUR 332 - Adult Health Theory
NUR 336 - Research and EBP Nursing Prac
NUR 338 - Critical Appraisal of EBP
NUR 344 - Healthy Aging: Lifelong Journ
NUR 354 - Life-Limiting
NUR 381 - Periop Nursing Care
NUR 399 - Readings in Nursing
NUR 411 - Community Based Nursing Care
NUR 442 - Childb Childr Theory
NUR 446 - Community and Mental Health T
NUR 456 - Nursing Leadership
NUR 472 - Transitions to Prof Nsg
NUR 473 - Clinical Immersion
NUR 476 - Population Health Theory
NUR 480 - Special Topics in Nursing
NUR 605 - Theoretical Persp in Nursing
NUR 608 - Adv Nrsg Leader Compl Syst
NUR 615 - MSN Clin Spec Cap I
NUR 616 - Adv Generalist Clin Pract II
NUR 620 - Clinical Pharmacology
NUR 621 - Clinical Pathophysiology
NUR 625 - Vulnerable Populations
NUR 641 - Adv Pharm, Pathophys & Assess
NUR 650 - Business and Quality in Nursin
NUR 676 - Health Perspectives: MH
NUR 677 - Practicum I: Mental Health
NUR 679 - MH Advanced Practicum
NUR 698 - Schol Inqu Ev Based Pract
NUR 699 - Readings in Nursing
NUR 703 - Health Care Informatics
NUR 704 - Quality Mgt in Healthcare
NUR 705 - Healthcare Decision Support
NUR 706 - Telehealth
NUR 709 - DNP Scholarly Project I
NUR 710 - DNP Scholarly Project II
NUR 712 - DNP Clinical Immersion III: NP
NUR 745 - DNP Specialty Practicum II
NUR 746 - Procedures and Sims: APRN I
NUR 747 - Proc Simulations APRN II
NUR 749 - Proc and Simulations APRN IV
NUR 770 - Hlth Promo: Adult/Older PC
NUR 772 - Mgt Common Hlth Prob A/OA
NUR 773 - NP Practicum I-Beginning
NUR 776 - Care Trans. Inter-prof Pract
NUR 777 - NP Practicum III - Advanced
NUR 796 - Cont. Dr Project/Dissertation


OSH 300 - Introduction to OSH
OST 503 - Group Occupations in Practice
OST 505 - Limitations on Occupation
OST 553 - Level I Fieldwork (Part 1)
OST 555 - Prof Socialization in Occ Ther
OST 558 - Mental Health Services in OT
OST 559 - Mental Health Laboratory
OST 564 - OT Research Proposal
OST 565 - OT Services Administration
OST 571 - Adult Practice
OST 572 - Adult Laboratory
OST 573 - Level I Fieldwork (Part 3)
OST 600 - Occ Sci for Therapy
OST 693 - OT Research Project
OST 715 - Critical Analysis of OS
OST 720 - Culture, Context, and Occ Perf
OST 750 - Crit Think and Transform Lrng


PAS 610 - Clinical Rotations I
PAS 620 - Clinical Rotations II
PCK 320 - Teaching Internationally
PCK 380 - Special Topics
PCK 495 - PCK Elem Capstone
PH 222 - Public Health Concepts
PH 505 - Social/Behavior Public Health
PH 520 - Envirnmt & Occupational Health
PH 525 - Quant Research Public Health
PH 530 - Qual Research in Public Health
PH 602 - Chronic Disease Epidemiology
PH 603 - Epidemiology of Aging
PH 604 - Womens and Childrens Epi
PH 608 - Infectious Disease Epi
PH 610 - Cancer Epidemiology
PH 620 - Health Education
PH 622 - Health Behavior & Promotion
PH 629 - Advocacy Strategies in PH
PH 630 - Health and Disease Disparities
PH 632 - PH Social Campaigning
PH 660 - Global Public Health
PH 688 - Public Health Practicum
PH 693 - Public Health Project
PHI 302 - Environmental Justice
PHY 215 - Energy in Modern Life
PLS 102 - Issues in U.S. Politics
PLS 103 - Issues in World Politics
PLS 105 - Intro to Human Rights
PLS 206 - American Foundations
PLS 211 - International Relations
PLS 212 - Great Decisions
PLS 215 - Global Migration
PLS 300 - Political Analysis
PLS 303 - Intro US Environmental Policy
PLS 314 - International Law
PLS 350 - Comparative Public Opinion
PNH 220 - Organizing for Change
PNH 270 - Public and Nonprofit Admin
PNH 335 - Grant Writing
PNH 376 - Personnel Policy & Admin
PNH 390 - Leadership Dynamics
PNH 420 - Organiztn Theory/Dynamics
PNH 495 - Community Analysis (capstone)
PNH 535 - Grant Writing
PNH 612 - Human Resources in Org
PNH 614 - Organization Theory
PNH 616 - Public Policy Analysis
PNH 630 - Health Admin & Services
PNH 631 - Health Policy & Politics
PNH 634 - Health Care Law and Ethics
PNH 636 - Healthcare Quality Improvement
PNH 638 - Continuing Care Mgmt
PNH 639 - Community Benefits Assessment
PNH 640 - Marketing for PNH Orgs
PNH 643 - Strategic Mgt/Planning
PNH 646 - Managerial Epidemiology
PNH 662 - Nonprofit Financial Management
PNH 664 - Program Evaluation
PNH 666 - Foundations & Grantmaking
PNH 668 - Grant Writing
PNH 671 - Build Sustainable Communities
PNH 680 - Special Topics in Public Admin
PNH 685 - Public Service Leadership
PNH 693 - Research Project
PNH 699 - Directed Readings
PSM 650 - Ethics and Professionalism
PSM 662 - Sem in Professional Science II
PSY 101 - Introductory Psychology
PSY 300 - Research Methods in Psych
PSY 301 - Child Development
PSY 303 - Psychopathology
PSY 304 - Psy & Ed of Except Child
PSY 305 - Infant & Early Childhood Dev
PSY 310 - Behavior Modification
PSY 311 - Controversial Issues Psych
PSY 324 - Developmental Psychopathology
PSY 325 - Educational Psychology
PSY 326 - Intellectual Disabilities
PSY 330 - Foundations of Behav Neurosci
PSY 357 - Psychology of Language
PSY 360 - Social Psychology
PSY 364 - Life Span Developmental Psy
PSY 375 - Comparative Psychology
PSY 400 - Advanced Research in Psy
PSY 405 - History and Systems
PSY 490 - Practicum
PSY 492 - Advanced General: Capstone
PSY 523 - Applied Behavior Analysis II
PSY 527 - Ethics/Diversity in Practice
PSY 540 - Intro Autism Spectrum Disorder
PSY 542 - Behavior Support Autism
PSY 550 - Research in Applied Settings
PSY 615 - Ed Assess & Intervention ASD
PSY 642 - Assessment Practicum
PSY 658 - Advanced Concepts in ABA
PSY 685 - School Psychology Internship


REL 100 - Religions of the World
REL 200 - Intro to Religious Studies
REL 280 - Special Topics Rel Studies
REL 300 - Religions in the World Today
REL 335 - Sacred Words, Global Understd
REL 340 - Rel and Pop Culture in US
REL 482 - Integrative Statement
RIE 457 - Cardiovascular Image Eval
RIE 464 - Ped Echo Clinical ED III
RIE 467 - Vascular Sono Clinical Ed III
RIU 324 - App Doppler Ultrasound Physics
RIU 420 - App Ultrasound Physics Inst II
RMD 622 - Dosim Treatment Planning II
RMD 623 - DosimTreatment Planning II Lab
RMD 630 - Medical Dosimetry I
RMD 632 - Medical Dosimetry II
RMD 670 - Prof Iss in Medical Dosimetry
RMD 693 - Med Dosimetry Research Project
RMD 695 - Med Dosimetry Thesis
RSC 315 - Quality Assessment
RSC 318 - Gerontology
RSC 328 - Patient Assessment I
RSC 399 - Independent Study in RSC
RSC 401 - Evidence-based Practice
RSC 438 - Respiratory Disease Management
RSC 499 - Independent Study in RSC
RTX 302 - Leisure, Health, and Wellness
RTX 606 - Programming & Consulting in RT
RTX 613 - Adv Practice RT in Phys Rehab
RTX 615 - Adv RT Practice in Beh Health
RTX 616 - Adv RT Practice w/Older Adults
RTX 675 - Evid Based Research RT 2
RTX 680 - Special Topics in RTX
RTX 693 - Evid Based Research in RT 3


SAT 495 - Teaching Sciences and Arts
SCI 227 - Int Life Earth Sci for 3-6
SCI 399 - Independent Study in SCI
SI 690 - Social Innov Research Design
SI 693 - Master's Project in SI
SLP 421 - Motor Sp & Fluency Dis
SLP 571 - Voice Disorders & Laryngectomy
SLP 573 - Fluency Disorders
SLP 583 - ASD in SLP
SLP 670 - Professional Seminar in SLP
SLP 696 - Cont. Master's Thesis/Project
SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology
SOC 105 - Social Problems
SOC 286 - Sociology of Health Care
SOC 318 - Sociology of Sexuality
SOC 350 - Family/Developing World
SOC 355 - Soc of Work & Employment
SOC 366 - Sociology of Media
SPA 101 - Beginning Spanish I
SPA 102 - Elementary Spanish II
SPA 120 - Beginning Spa for Health Care
SPA 150 - Accelerated Beginning Spanish
SPA 180 - Special Topics in Spanish
SPA 201 - Intermediate Spanish I
SPA 202 - Intermediate Spanish II
SPA 304 - Spanish for Health Profession
SPA 322 - Spa Conv/Comp II
SPM 202 - Social/Cultural Dimension Spt
SPM 355 - Cont Concepts of Coaching
SPM 356 - Current Topics in Sport Mgt
SPM 360 - Practicum in Sport Coaching
SPM 380 - Special Topics in SPM
SPM 390 - Practicum Sport Management
SPM 495 - Admin Sport Management
SST 309 - Teaching El Soc St 3-6
STA 215 - Intro Applied Statistics
STA 216 - Intermediate Applied Stats
STA 312 - Probability and Statistics
STA 323 - Predictive Analytics
STA 340 - Statistics in the Media
STA 418 - Computing and Graphics with R
STA 518 - Computing and Graphics with R
STA 610 - Appl Stats for Health Prof
STA 699 - Independent Study
SW 150 - Hum Needs in Complex Soc
SW 300 - Pluralism in American Society
SW 322 - Responding to Illness
SW 333 - Working with LGBT Community
SW 344 - Loss, Death, and Grief
SW 355 - Addressing Ageism
SW 380 - Special Topics in Social Work
SW 430 - Social Work Research
SW 495 - Senior Seminar in SW
SW 600 - Cultural Competency
SW 601 - Social Work Foundations
SW 603 - Integrated Methods
SW 610 - Soc Welfare Policy and Svc 1
SW 613 - Human Rights and Social Work
SW 620 - Human Behavior and Soc Envr
SW 622 - Diagnosis and Treatment
SW 629 - Communities and Organizations
SW 640 - Advanced Generalist Practice
SW 660 - Grntwrting and Resource Devel
SW 661 - SW in Ed Setting
SW 662 - Substance Abuse & SW Pract
SW 664 - SW Practice in Schools
SW 668 - Child Adolescent Trauma
SW 669 - Grief, Loss, and Death
SW 670 - Soc Wk Practice: Individuals
SW 674 - SW Practice: Fam and Child
SW 676 - Community and Social Planning
SW 677 - Principles of Supervision
SW 678 - Human Services Administration
SW 680 - Special Topics in Social Work
SW 690 - Social Research I
SW 691 - Social Research II


THE 101 - Introduction to Theatre
THE 325 - Theatre for Social Change


WGS 101 - Intro to Gender Studies
WGS 201 - Foundations of Feminism
WGS 224 - Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
WGS 255 - Gender and Popular Culture
WGS 318 - Sociology of Sexuality
WGS 320 - Crimes Against Women
WGS 335 - Women, Health & Environment
WGS 350 - Family/Developing World
WRT 130 - Strategies in Writ-Stretch II
WRT 150 - Strategies in Writing
WRT 210 - Introduction to Style
WRT 219 - Creative Writing Workshop
WRT 350 - Business Communication
WRT 354 - Writing in the Global Context
WRT 357 - Prof Wrt International Context
WRT 381 - Writing and Sports
WRT 490 - Internship