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Mechanical Engineering Coop at Gentex

Major: Mechanical Engineering My primary task at Gentex this semester was to support production lines as issues arose. I worked mostly on technical and mechanical malfunctions of the machines. Not only did I support the lines to keep them running, I worked at increasing quality, safety, and productivity in my projects.

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Mechanical Engineer Co-op 3

Major: Mechanical Engineering Designed and built multiple displays, designed lab test equipment, designed and built prototypes of potential products.

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New Product Development

Major: Mechanical Engineering I have worked more on the new product development side of Genesis Seating during this rotation. This means that I've been involved in the construction of prototype models for testing and also been involved in enhancing old designs. In creation of new products we, as a manufacturer, need work instructions and control plans on these products, so I've been involved in the creation of those. I've sat in on multiple meetings with customers in discussion on the progress of changes made to existing chairs. I've also been involved in the design and fabrication of work fixtures.

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Manufacturing Engineer Co-op at Bosch Emission Systems in Germany

Major: Mechanical Engineering I worked as a planner in the MOE1 department (Manufacturing Operations and Engineering). I helped plan the equipment, working sequence, layout, documentation, and helped solve daily problems within the various manufacturing areas on the floor. I worked on making the manufacturing line more lean using lean line design tools and implementation.

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Trans-Matic Experience

Major: Mechanical Engineering Working as an intern for the engineering department I completed a wide range of tasks. I managed engineering drawings for a new product launch. I developed a new tool to aid in tool setup which allows the toolmakers to use a comparator (measurement device) to establish tolerance profiles of the part after each stamping process. I used SolidWorks FEA to analyze a prototype side piece assembly post. I also completed Engineering Change Requests of gauges and part prints. I updated tooling drawings and models based on toolmaker feedback. I redesigned stamping stations to include things like ejector pins, spring sleeves, and higher tonnage chucks. I aided in the design of a geared assembly and recommended design changes to customers for ease of manufacture and measurement while keeping design intent. These recommendations were implemented by them.

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Innotec Mechanical Engineering Experience

Major: Mechanical Engineering During this semester I ran production, worked on machine improvement projects, and repaired machines. One of the machine improvement projects I lead was an improvement of an automatic nail machine by adding an encoder, and designing/building a chute that can redirect too short or too long nails down a separate scrap chute to reduce the risk of non-conforming parts being sent to the customer.

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BISSELL Mech. Engineering Co-op

Major: Mechanical Engineering I was on the Product Attributes team (sort of R&D), so I wasn't tied down to working on any specific product. For example, this term I designed a test/test fixture for analyzing torsional stiffness of deep cleaner handles. I also wrote an excel macro to automatically summarize data for one of our tests. I also created a calculator tool in excel to solve a FBD system for the drive wheel suspension in our robot vac.

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Major: Mechanical Engineering I designed the mechanical systems for buildings ranging in multiple market sectors (including healthcare, commercial, governmental, K-12, and higher education). This included designing HVAC and plumbing systems, 3D building modeling in the AutoDesk Revit software, and producing building documents for use in construction.

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Semester 3

Major: Mechanical Engineering 3D design of new patterns, replacement patterns, reverse engineering of old tool. Daily pattern inspection, clean-up, storage. Sample Traveler Program, Weight Traveler Program. Gauge Design and Procurement. Wafer Core Project Design and Procurement.

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Cost and Concept Development Co-Op at JR Automation Technologies LLC

Major: Mechanical Engineering I was a Concept and Cost Development Intern for the summer in which I worked with several engineers of various knowledge bases to design concepts with CAD and cost the concept accordingly. The job not only entails critical thought and thinking outside the box in literally every situation but also developed my thought for legal business practice. Writing a quotation is extremely difficult and demands covering all of ones bases so that when something comes up down the road, the company isn't out thousands of dollars. Not only was I required to write these quotes, but also act as a salesman of the product I was designing a concept for as well. No one will buy what you are designing, if you can't stand behind it and back up what you were thinking. On several occasions I held and led meetings with department heads, business unit managers, VP of sales, and even the CEO at one point.

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Co-op #1

Major: Mechanical Engineering Over the course of my co-op I designed and tested a fully mechanical cell to categorize multiple parts, I assisted in process layout and documentation for new jobs, and I designed and conducted multiple experiments which lead to process improvements and waste reduction.

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Magna Mirrors Co-op Experience

Major: Mechanical Engineering Over the co-op semester there was a variety of tasks that I was assigned. I was in charge of printing 3D parts off for the advanced product development department (APD) and sometimes this meant my own. I had to clean and de-wax the parts for APD and keep track of the material used. By the end of the co-op semester I was running a variety of tests for the engineers in my department when they needed. Some of the tests included: sound testing in the sound chamber, illuminance scans, vibration tests, working on new prototypes, using Creo to create prototypes, using the instron for load readings, etc. Another main task was benchmarking new mirrors that APD purchased. Benchmarking the mirror involved a series of tests that were documented and organized into a area in the warehouse in bins. It was my job to keep the area organized, clean, and up to date.

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Gentex Internship

Major: Mechanical Engineering The Process Engineering group did an excellent job of challenging me as an engineer. They did a great job of finding my strengths and weaknesses and shifting my work to balance my skill-set. Design projects ranged from a few days all the way up to 2-3 months and included tasks such as SolidWorks modeling, Work Orders, Purchase Orders, Project management, Hands-On Assembly, and Implementation. All of the projects were given deadlines either set by a customer within the company or by myself, which allowed me to have a much better understanding of how long a project will last based on the complexity of the design.

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Mech. EGR Co-Op I

Major: Mechanical Engineering During my time with the company I performed the work of a technician, operating various presses and manufacturing tools in addition to performing validation testing on various mounts.

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The Hutchinson Experience

Major: Mechanical Engineering Throughout the semester I worked in both the Validation & Prototype labs. In the Validation lab, I tested parts for the engineers on the MTS and the Alliance machines. One of my projects in this lab was to assist in the assembly of one of our fatigue machines. In the Prototype lab I cemented parts, ran our rubber press machines as well as assembling parts and subassemblies. My projects in the Prototype lab included running a study on one of our parts with high scrap and designing a machine that replicates the cement dipping process in production for our prototype parts.

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Magna Co-op #1

Major: Mechanical Engineering My projects had a wide range from building, programming, and modifying components of mirror programs to performing vast testing procedures such as impact, vibration, thermal shock, chemical exposure, and function analysis.

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Engineering Co-op 1

Major: Mechanical Engineering I was a part of several projects during the semester that gave me a broad idea of how the entire process of pricing, design, and execution worked. Pricing was an important project because to earn the contract bid from a potential customer it was necessary to address all of their needs while keeping the project as inexpensive as possible. I had the opportunity to participate in phone meetings with customers where I observed how to address the needs of the customer while being realistic about how much we can do. I used AutoCAD to design layouts and the conveyor system, which were used in discussions with the customer about the direction of the project. For another project I calculated the point loads on conveyor supports to ensure that the correct support was being used.

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Tool Design Engineering

Major: Mechanical Engineering On the job, my assignments varied from updating part prints to designing new tooling for efficiency and manufacturing purposes. Much of the work I performed revolved around toolmaker requests to improve designs by eliminating time, efficiency, and cost. Some of the most important jobs I completed throughout the semester include: complete tool station redesigns, the modeling of automation assemblies on the floor, and, finally, the designing of new fixtures for the manufacturing of tooling parts.

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Major: Mechanical Engineering As a launch engineer it was my job to get the machines running from when they were assembled to when they leave to the customer. This involved mechanical, programming, and electrical debug.

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Super Extravagant Co-Op

Major: Mechanical Engineering Some of my responsibilities are benchmarking new outside mirrors that are entering the market on vehicles that are on the road, and 3D printing prototypes or parts for miscellaneous projects and innovations that are being done. I have been working on an advanced technology project for GM that is in very early stages. This has involved benchmarking, creating CAD designs, and decisions matrices for several mechanisms. I am also working on a lot of studies with our inside mirrors that have been on going for a couple months. Testing done for ground illuminators and many other tests that were needed.

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GMCH 1st Semester Co-op

Major: Mechanical Engineering The first two weeks I was just getting familiar with the plant and processes. The manufacturing floor is split up into north and south, so I spent time with both teams. During this time I did some part gauging, tried learning how to run all the machines, and did a bit of "grunt" work. The next few weeks I spent working with the advanced team. During this time I was assigned to an engineer and it was to him that I reported. My engineer have me a project where I was to develop some new parts for use in engine installation. Here develop means design, get parts built, and test parts according to a test procedure that I wrote. As of writing there is still a little work to be done on this project. I also did some benchmarking against competitors' parts and am planning on doing some tension testing to help one of the engineers refine the FEA simulation that he designed. Now I am working with the current manufacturing team. My duties include helping with machine qualifications, R&R's, and learning what goes into getting a new product line ready for production. Overall there will be a slow day here and there where you end up waiting on someone but usually there's quite a bit that needs doing. If you ever need something to do, ask.

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EGR 290 Co-op Experience

Major: Mechanical Engineering I have been exposed to many different projects as an intern. Most of my time is spent detailing drawings, updating drawings, and occasionally small design projects. Therefore, almost daily, I am moving around to help different engineers with a variety of tasks. I was also tasked to decrease the overall price of a custom design smoker/grill with the help of several other interns. We were able to decrease the price by about 50% and there is now a good chance the smoker will actually be produced and used at the business unit I worked in.

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First Engineering Co-Op

Major: Mechanical Engineering Jr allowed me to experience a wide range of tasks, mainly detailing projects (placing dimensions on 2D prints), checking other designers work, and updating drawings to how a machine was actually built. I also got to get out on the build floor and experience some of the actual building of the machines.

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Enjoyable Design Work

Major: Mechanical Engineering Right from the beginning, I was introduced to the full design process, being tasked with designing a specialized part rack to challenging specifications. Throughout the semester, I performed much of the same kind of work done by my superiors: designing different stations for an automated headliner assembly line, re-designing portions of existing machines to accept new parts, and coming up with solutions for problems encountered in the assembly phase of several machines. Only a small portion of my time was spent on more "traditional" intern work, like creating standardized part models and updating old documentation, and such work was only assigned when there weren't more in-depth projects available.

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Great Hands-On Co-Op

Major: Mechanical Engineering As a co-op student at Innotec, everyday is its own project. Innotec is a company that expects constant innovation, so there is always something to improve on. However, there are two projects that stand out to me from this semester. The first was a solo project that involved me creating and programming an excel document that would replace our old production white board. The goal was to create a spreadsheet that would look professional but be able to be completely independent from a keyboard, as the goal was to use a touch screen monitor. The second project was quite a bit larger and it involved my entire cell. There was a company-wide goal this summer to limit the number on interventions that were required on each machine. Our machines load plastic vanity covers into totes which need to be replaced or stacked every 20 minutes. We originally were planning on building and automating a tote-loader, but the final product ended up being a conveyor system that replaced the totes altogether.

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